Showing posts with label Cichlids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cichlids. Show all posts


A Comprehensive Listing of the Various CICHLID TYPES

A lot of people have been asking me lately about the different cichlid types so I thought I would compile a bit of a thorough list in regards to the various species.

Cichlid (sik-a-lid) fish stem from what's known as the Cichlidae (sik-li-day) family. The Cichlidae family is an extremely large & diverse family having nearly 2000 specimens described and it's believed the still much more to be described scientifically.

different Mbuna from Lake Malawi
Different Mbuna from Lake Malawi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They would have to be the largest family of vertebrates.

Due to the fact that we are constantly finding new species types, estimating the exact number of cichlid types is very hard to do.

These fish come in some of the strangest looking shapes to the most breathtaking colors and throw in some peculiar mannerisms and it makes for quite the character.

Cichlids are found all across the globe ranging from Africa throughout Asia to North and South America.
Cichlid fish which tend to be kept in captivation can come from the African waters as well as the Amazon basin area and also from some the famous lakes like Lake Malawi, Great African Rift Lake and Lake Tanganyika.

Presently there is a massive diversity in the behavior and eating habits of these fish because of the greater number of types.

The majority of cichlid types are herbivorous fishes and feed on vegetation or even algae. The other cichlid varieties are generally omnivorous, will eat anything or they are carnivorous fishes that live on other fish & insects.

The broad range of eating habits has really allowed cichlid fish to occupy numerous habitats. Cichlid fish do not survive in salt water although funnily enough, their ancestors did.

Most cichlid kinds are fairly scaled down in size and many of them tend to be referred to as game types.

This has lead to several different cichlid species being farmed for human consumption. On the flip side, we can't deny a number of fish tank enthusiasts that enjoy cichlid species because of their eye-catching colorings and tendencies.

Angelfish, Oscar fish, Discus fish and Convict cichlid are among the most popular with aquarium enthusiasts.

African Cichlid Species
Most of the Cichlid types that we see in captivity today come from the African Amazonian regions. So on with the listings!

Lake Malawi
Lake Malawi is one of the largest lakes known to man and is home to over 300 varieties of cichlid fish. Some of the well-known African species are:

* Big-lipped
* Moori or Blue Dolphin
* Malawi Eye-biter
* Linni or Elephant-nose Cichlid
* Livingstoni
* Polystigma
* Venustus
* Deep-Water Haplo
* Electric Blue Haplo

Mbuna Cichlids
* Red-dorsal Afra, Dogtooth
* Fuelleborn's, Fuelleborni
* Trewavas, Red-finned
* Electric Yellow Mbuna, Lion's Cove Yellow
* Malawi Golden
* Johann's Mbuna
* Parallel-striped Mbuna
* Purple Mbuna
* Aurora
* Bumblebee Mbuna or Hornet
* Elongatus, Slender Mbuna
* Snail Shell Mbuna
* Kennyi
* Eduard's Mbuna
* Zebra Mbuna, Zebra Malawi, Cobalt Blue or Nyasa Blue

Peacock Group
* Baensch's Peacock, Yellow Peacock or Sunshine Peacock
* Red Shoulder Malawi Peacock
* Lake Malawi Butterfly

Lake Tanganyika
* Pearly Compressiceps
* Compressiceps
* Frontosa
* Black-finned Slender
* Striped Clown Goby, Striped Goby, Tanganyika Clown
* Dickfeld's Juli
* Checkerboard Julie
* Golden Julie or Ornate Julie
* Regan's Julie or Striped Julie
* Masked Julie or Black-and-White Julie
* Fairy
* Daffodil Brichardi
* Lemon
* Elongated Lemon
* Ocellated Shell-dweller
* Pearl-lined Lamprologus
* Five-bar
* Otostigma, Tripod
* Blue-eyed Tropheus
* Duboisi
* Blunt-headed
* Poll's Tropheus
* Aulonocara
* Lamprichthys
* Synodontis
* Afromastacembelus

Cavity Brooder s
* Altolamprologus
* Lamprologus
* Julidochromis
* Neolamprologus

Mouth Brooder Group of s
* Cyphotilapia
* Cyprichromis
* Eretmodus
* Tropheus
* Xenotilapia

Other African Species
* African Butterfly
* Zebra Haplochromis
* Two-spotted Jewel
* Blood-red Jewel
* Purple or the Common Krib
* African Blockhead or Lumphead
* Zebra Tilapia
* Clown Tilapia

North American Species
* Firemouth
* Convict
* Pearlscale
* Texas
* Midas
* Large Lipped
* Long Fin
* Friedrichsthali
* Jaguar
* Jack Dempsy
* Salvin's or Tricolor
* Red-spotted
* Black Belt
* Nicaragua
* Quetzal or Red-headed

South American Species
* Oscar fish or Velvet
* Peacock Bass
* Festa's
* Port Acara or Black Acara
* Pike
* Banded
* Festive

* Blue Acara
* Green Terror or Rivulatus
* Saddle or Two-spot Acara
* Keyhole
* Flag Acara
* Golden Dwarf

New World Dwarfs
* Agassiz's Dwarf
* Yellow Dwarf
* Cockatoo Dwarf
* Three-Stripe Dwarf
* Ramirez' Dwarf

Angel Species
* Angelfish
* Altum Angelfish

Discus Species
* Brown Discus Fish
* Green Discus
* Royal Blue Discus
* Heckle Discus or Pompadour Fish
* Waroo or Triangle

Eartheater Cichlids Species

* Cupid
* Pearl or Mother-of-Pearl Eartheater
* Red hump Eartheater
* Paraguay Mouthbrooder
* Demon Fish.


Tips on RAM CICHLIDS - Care and Spawning

The Ram cichlid or Microgeophagus ramirezi belongs to the family Cichlidae more commonly referred to as cichlids. They are endemic to Orinoco River basin in Venezuela and Columbia. The aquarium industry markets rams under several trade names including; Ram, Blue ram, German blue ram, Asian ram, butterfly cichlid, dwarf butterfly and Ramirez's dwarf cichlid. The Ramirez's dwarf cichlid is a hybrid originally bred by fish enthusiast Manuel Ramirez.

Ram Cichlid - Photo  by   boscosami  (cc)
Rams are arguably the most peace loving of the entire cichlid family. This makes them very popular with aquarium owners. They make wonderful community tank fish provided they are surrounded by equally docile tank-mates. They mix exceedingly well with tetras. Another aspect of their popularity is their size. They only grow to about 2.5 inches unlike their cousin the angelfish that can grow to up to 6 inches in diameter. This makes them perfect for smaller aquariums such as desktop models. They are most at home in well planted aquariums.

Ram Cichlids thrive in slightly acidic water. A pH of 6.8 with a water temperature range between 72- 78°F is the ideal environment for keeping rams. Under premium conditions you can expect your ram cichlids to live for up to four years.

Rams are omnivorous. They can survive just fine on common variety tropical fish flakes. But supplementing their diet with live food such as brine shrimp, frozen or freeze dried food will help insure their vigor.

Distinguishing males from females isn't difficult. This species is sexually dimorphic, males being larger than females. Males typically possess longer spines on the front of their dorsal fin. Females have rounder abdomens than males. This trait is quite apparent when they are carrying eggs.
Breeding Ram Cichlids

Both the male and the female typically become more colorful when its time to breed. The abdomen of a females' body turns reddish or pinkish when she enters into her spawning cycle. A slightly acid water and warmer water temperatures will help induce spawning.
You will want to place the pair in a breeding tank. Males can become territorial when they enter their breeding cycle.

You will know your rams are about to spawn when the expectant parents begin to clean a flat surface to deposit their eggs on. Cichlids rarely deposit their eggs on barren substrate when a more suitable nursery is available.

    The latest trend among Saltwater Tank enthusiasts is raising pet jellyfish. Jellyfish need specially designed Jellyfish Fish Tank Aquariums. Jellyfish tanks are easier to maintain than traditional saltwater setups. Moon Jellies are the most popular jellyfish among home aquarists both for their exotic beauty and their ease of care. They have become so popular that two US based websites are now tank raising them to meet the growing demand. Pet Moon Jellyfish look absolutely incredible under a fading LED lighting system.
    Article Source: EzineArticles


RED DEVIL CICHLIDS - Aggressive But Tons of Personality

There are so many tropical fish keepers in this hobby today that own or are looking to own the red devil cichlid. These fish hold a very special place in this wonderful hobby.

English: Amphilophus labiatum, female, in aqua...
Amphilophus labiatum, female, in aquarium
(Photo credit: 
The red devil cichlid also is known as Amphilophus labiatus, is originally from Central America. This cichlid is considered a medium to large cichlid often growing 10-12 inches in their lifetime. Males are often larger and develop a hump on their head as they age.

Red devil cichlids are often purchased from pet stores as a small 2-3 inch fish. Many people bring them home to their tank not knowing the personality of this Central American cichlid. This is the reason for this article. I would like to enlighten you on the unique personality of this awesome cichlid.

Red devil cichlids are extremely aggressive. Often, males will harass and chase females to the point of death. Many red devil owners choose to give this freshwater tropical fish it's own tank because of its hostility towards other fish.

One should be aware of this aggression if you plan to keep multiple fish in the aquarium tank. So many people get attached to this cichlid to only have it turn on them later and kill everything in the tank. If you choose to keep this tropical fish, you will not be disappointed because of their cool personality.

Red devil cichlids are territorial and they will protect what they claim as their part of the tank. This space will depend on each individual fish. Some claim a corner of the tank while others claim one-half to more than 75% of the tank. This cichlid will kill and often eat fish that can fit in their mouths. Do not keep this cichlid with any peaceful smaller fish. I would like for anyone that is interested in this cool cichlid to please be prepared to give it a tank of its own or be prepared to find another home for it later if you cannot handle the aggression. These fish make excellent wet pets and will do well in a tank to themselves.

The red devil cichlid is often known for jumping and leaving out of the water so ensure you have a tight lid or canopy on the tank. Provide plenty of cover and hiding spaces for this prized cichlid.

    The Red Devil Cichlid can be hit or miss depending on the individual fish. Either way, you get a very unique tropical fish that can give you years of happiness and entertainment. To read more about freshwater tropical fish please visit Tropical Fish Success
Article Directory: EzineArticles


Fact Sheet: DEMASONI CICHLID - Pseudotropheus demasoni

Pseudotropheus demasoni
Demasoni Cichlid - Photo by Lee Nachtigal 
Pseudotropheus demasoni

Demasoni is also known as the Midnight demasoni and is scientifically known as the Pseudotropheus demasoni from the cichlidae family. Its maximum length is 3 inches with a lifespan of 8 years. This species originated in Lake Malawi.

Both male and female of these species also come in the same color patterns unlike most fishes, only the male cichlid's color is brighter. The male possesses dark blue and black vertical stripes along its body and for some may have alternate blue or white stripes. The male will also display anal fin spots while the female does not. The female's color, however, is not as bright as the males.

Aquarium set-up
Demasoni cichlid needs to be in a community by the dozen or even more fishes to keep its aggression at a minimum level. Hence, these species require large size aquariums with capacious swimming space, as well as rocks and caves for hiding. Crevasses, rocks, and caves would satisfy its curiosity giving them adequate things and places to explore. It would also provide each demasoni a place to claim as its territory.

This diversity requires a temperature of 72 - 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 8.0 - 9.0 range and also a water hardness of 10 - 18 dH.

Behavior and Tank mates
Your demasoni can be deceiving because of its size. So be wary in incorporating tank mates in the community. What the size lacks are all compensated with its aggressiveness and hostility. These fishes are known to have the capacity to attack fishes twice as big as they are and can wipe out a whole community without difficulty.

Bear in mind that these species are really aggressive and brutal which should not be housed in a species tank. They are only compatible with aggressive fishes and must not be kept with other cichlids that look similar to its appearance or even other fishes with stripes.

Demasoni diet is more on a high vegetable matter and needs only a low protein intake. Meaty foods should be canceled in its diet instead cichlid sticks and flakes are more favorable to its diet. Spirulina foods may be given frequently.

Spawning should be 3 females to 1 male to achieve optimum results. It is usually the female who will look for a flat rocky place on which to lay its eggs and then pick the eggs up to her mouth for brooding. She will then closely follow the male until he releases the sperm to fertilize the eggs she is carrying.

The eggs will be kept inside the female's mouth for about three weeks for incubation before it is released. The fry may then be fed with crushed flakes or pellets, daphnia, or a small brine shrimp.

Demasoni cichlid may be tough to handle due to its aggressiveness towards other tank mates but are still an amazing species to keep with its vivid and bright colors. Find out what are its best tank mates and how to control its aggressiveness, I'm pretty sure, you will love the sight of them in your house.

    Lacey Bryant is a cichlid enthusiast and author, who has been caring for cichlids for over 20 years.
    Article Directory: EzineArticles



Cichlids are a fairly hardy fish and their upkeep is reasonably simple supplied you stick to several simple principals. As hardy as they’re the cichlid fish can suffer from several diseases so with this write-up I have set out to clarify what they’re and what you are able to do about them.

Cichlids are a fairly hardy fish and their upkeep is reasonably simple supplied you stick to several simple principals. As hardy as they’re the cichlid fish can suffer from several diseases so with this write-up I have set out to clarify what they’re and what you are able to do about them.

Diseases in cichlid fish might be caused by parasites within the body, fungi on their exterior and also poor bacteria inside the tank water.

Issues that you simply wish to look out for are cloudy or puffy eyes, sores on their bodies, loss of color, restricted movement, bloating of stomach or internal organs. Any of these symptoms are normally caused by some sort of bacterial infection.

If you observe any strange looking growth around the face location or sporadic behavior in the tank like darting about in a crazy manner you could be looking at some sort of fungal infection.

If you see any weak breathing, impaired movement, mucus growth on the skin, loss of appetite, spots, intense scratching. These are typically the sign of parasite infection which could contain leeches, worms or lice.

Just concerning the most typical cichlid illness is Hole inside the head disease. Hexamita, normally results in rapid weight loss and a main loss of appetite, and also you will also notice small indentations on and around the head area.

Ich or Ichtyophthirius is also an additional widespread cichlid disease. With this distinct ailment whitened crystal marks show up on the head first, after which propagate over the whole body. Inhaling and exhaling is quickly, the fish scrapes a great deal, and also the eye balls and fins all turn into cloudy.

When the belly is enlarged, and also you uncover reddish scales encircling this location, it can be achievable that the cichlid is really struggling with Dropsy. This may possibly be because of germs, parasites, or even cancer. The most effective method to cope with this is saltwater therapy.

In case you neglect their water conditions then your fish may possibly end up with Fish Pox, Fin Rot or even Ammonia poisoning.

Columnaris or Cotton Wool Illness is one you must be quite wary of because it is very contagious. Symptoms is going to be a grey/white layer on the skin, fin harm, ulcers and sores, loss of color in the gills. You must treat this quickly having an excellent antibiotic kind therapy, and you may have to treat the complete tank. The exact same goes for Fish Tuberculosis which too is really contagious.

Yet another parasite sort infection is Slime Disease which causes a white coating of the skin, sporadic movement, reddening about the gills and also folded fins. You have to treat this straight away with a good parasitic medication and also by raising the water temperature a degree or two.

Cichlids may also endure from constipation which will cause a swelling of the stomach, loss of appetite, and erratic swimming. The fish might even have feces hanging off of them. The very best approach to fix this would be to starve them for two days then commence them on a various diet.

On the topic of diet plan should you over feed your fish they might wind up with Swim Bladder illness which will cause difficulty in swimming, swimming upside down, floating. Flip Over illness is also achievable with these symptoms.

One well-known way of dealing with diseases is salt treatment, but this should ideally only be done in a quarantine tank as other fish may be negatively affected. Plus it’s going to not guarantee a remedy for all diseases.

Now since an aquarium is such a modest closed atmosphere, with out proper monitoring and treatment can become a disease incubator. Typical cleaning of one’s tank and water will likely be your greatest weapon against disease in your aquarium.

It’s finest to spot these things as early as feasible so as to implement a remedy method before it can be too late….Excellent Luck



The peacock cichlid is growing in popularity as a pet. They are traced to Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. The fish are regarded as being amongst the most beautiful cichlids. And best of all they are some of the most peaceful of all the cichlid species.

They are best for large aquariums and are great for display due to their colors and a massive size. They are named after the peacock's colorful displays. The peacock cichlid has an elongated and a much higher back than other cichlids where their pelvic and the pectoral fins are a bit longer.

Aulonocara hansbaenschi RB2.jpg

The males grow to around 15 centimeters while females grow up to 4 centimeters. A dark indigo blue characterizes their colors from the lower jaw up to the rear part of the body. You will not need to breed the males and females of the peacock cichlid separately.

They breed very well and display a beautiful blend of colors. They are considered members of the free swimming Haplochromis group. In their natural habitat, they are known to form schools. While breeding them, it is advised that you have one or two males interact with a larger number of females. This will encourage breeding and you could have a whole school in no time.

The peacock cichlid is a mild aggression type of fish. Since the fish exhibit aggressive tendencies, you will need to build their aquarium with this in mind. They will increase in aggression when confined into these small tanks. Taking this in mind, you can be able to inhibit the aggression as well with extra water volume per fish.

You could also increase breeding. The tank should be around 100cm with capacity for up to 55 gallons of water. In the aquarium, you should set up rocks and provide crevices and cave like designs. Remember the fish's original habitat included crevices and caves.

The water needs to be alkaline in nature therefore; it is advised that you use coral sand substrate. Since the water may change rapidly, it is a good idea to have it changed as frequently as possible. A dirty fish tank is not only disturbing to the eye but also unsafe for fish. The aggression of the peacock cichlid is very minimal compared to most Lake Malawi counterparts.

However, they are good in defending their school and will form territories too. You should not place peacock cichlid with smaller fishes since they may look at them as food. They can be put into the same tank with like-sized fishes like cat fish. Mbunas should not be chosen as tank-mates for the peacock cichlid.

They tend to be far more aggressive. Peacock cichlids are omnivores. It is a simple task when it comes to feeding since they are not choosy. They can be fed from foods such as bloodworm, mosquito larvae and crustaceans. The water pH level should be a bit above 8 but not exceed 8.2. They need a relatively warm water temperature of between 26 and 29 degrees Celsius.



Red Devil cichlids are beautiful fish but they are kept alone because of their very aggressive nature. For aquarists who have previous experience in breeding cichlids, they will find that breeding Red Devil cichlids is no big deal. To prepare for the breeding process, it is best to keep your Red Devil cichlids in a large and decorated aquarium with the ideal water conditions, and feed them with suitable food. One great method to induce spawning in Red Devil cichlids is to increase your aquarium temperature to 24-28°C (75-82°F).

Amphilophus labiatum, weiblich.jpg

Licensed  via Commons.

Creating a spawning environment for the cichlids is the first important part of the breeding process. What happens in the wild is that the Red Devil cichlids will choose rocks, logs or the ceiling of a cave as the breeding site, and thus, it is good to include such objects in the cichlid aquarium.

So, how do you differentiate between the male and female cichlid? You will find that the adult male cichlid has a very obvious bump on his forehead and also a pointy genital papilla. In addition, the male Red Devil cichlid is normally bigger than the female. The cichlids form one-male and one-female pairs and both parents always participate in taking care of their babies.

Before any spawning takes place, the male can become more aggressive towards the female. Therefore, it is important for the female cichlids to find many suitable hiding spots in the aquarium to hide from the male cichlid. So to help her with this, you can put a net in the fish tank with an opening that is too small for the male Red Devil cichlid to swim through. This allows the female to escape to a safe place in the aquarium. If not, she may die of injury or become very ill due to the stress caused by the male cichlid.

On the other hand, once a bond is formed for a pair of Red Devil cichlids, they are to be moved to the breeding tank. The parents will dig a pit together. After the female lays the eggs which is about 600 to 800 eggs, the male will fertilized the eggs. Once the eggs are been fertilized, both parents will participate in rearing of their young ones.

At this time, it is best to leave the family alone. Red Devil cichlids are famous for their aggressiveness in attacking anything which enter their territory especially during this breeding period. The male will guard the territory and the female will tend to the eggs. The eggs will hatch in about 3-5 days.

The cichlid parents will quickly move their fry to various pits which they have dug around the tank. These newly-born babies cichlids feed on mucus that are extracted through the skin of the adult fish. Five days later, the fry has grown big enough to swim around the aquarium. Now, you can feed these baby cichlids with small live food.


Tips on RAM CICHLIDS - Care and Spawning

The Ram cichlid or Microgeophagus ramirezi belongs to the family Cichlidae more commonly referred to as cichlids. They are endemic to Orinoco River basin in Venezuela and Columbia. The aquarium industry markets rams under several trade names including; Ram, Blue ram, German blue ram, Asian ram, butterfly cichlid, dwarf butterfly and Ramirez's dwarf cichlid. The Ramirez's dwarf cichlid is a hybrid originally bred by fish enthusiast Manuel Ramirez.

A female M. ramirezi
A female M. ramirezi
(Photo credit: 

Rams are arguably the most peace loving of the entire cichlid family. This makes them very popular with aquarium owners. They make wonderful community tank fish provided they are surrounded by equally docile tank-mates. They mix exceedingly well with tetras. Another aspect of their popularity is their size. They only grow to about 2.5 inches unlike their cousin the angelfish that can grow to up to 6 inches in diameter. This makes them perfect for smaller aquariums such as desktop models. They are most at home in well planted aquariums.

Ram Cichlids thrive in slightly acidic water. A pH of 6.8 with a water temperature range between 72- 78°F is the ideal environment for keeping rams. Under premium conditions you can expect your ram cichlids to live for up to four years.

Rams are omnivorous. They can survive just fine on common variety tropical fish flakes. But supplementing their diet with live food such as brine shrimp, frozen or freeze dried food will help insure their vigor.

Distinguishing males from females isn't difficult. This species is sexually dimorphic, males being larger than females. Males typically possess longer spines on the front of their dorsal fin. Females have rounder abdomens than males. This trait is quite apparent when they are carrying eggs.

Breeding Ram Cichlids

Both the male and the female typically become more colorful when its time to breed. The abdomen of a females' body turns reddish or pinkish when she enters into her spawning cycle. A slightly acid water and warmer water temperatures will help induce spawning.

You will want to place the pair in a breeding tank. Males can become territorial when they enter their breeding cycle.

You will know your rams are about to spawn when the expectant parents begin to clean a flat surface to deposit their eggs on. Cichlids rarely deposit their eggs on barren substrate when a more suitable nursery is available.

    By Stephen J Broy
    The latest trend among Saltwater Tank enthusiasts is raising pet jellyfish. Jellyfish need specially designed Jellyfish Fish Tank Aquariums. Jellyfish tanks are easier to maintain than traditional saltwater setups. Moon Jellies are the most popular jellyfish among home aquarists both for their exotic beauty and their ease of care. They have become so popular that two US based websites are now tank raising them to meet the growing demand. Pet Moon Jellyfish look absolutely incredible under a fading LED lighting system.

    Article Source: EzineArticles


The Basic Do’s and Don’ts in DISCUS FISH Breeding

Having a fish tank at your home not only increases the aesthetics and the ambience of your home, it also provides you an avenue to relieve stress. Many homeowners which have aquariums in their houses swear to the fact that aquariums provides them with a sense of calmness, but of course, the fish inside the tank does a lot to make this happen. And one of the most sought after tropical freshwater fish today is the discus fish.

Photo by GIALIAT

A lot of discus fish owners today have seen the great potential in making money of their pets. First off, you have to realize that the discus fish is not just like your ordinary goldfish, they can be quite costly and selling their fry has the possibility of making them money. You too can be able to venture in this, providing you know what you are doing.

Some would say that breeding discus fish can be very difficult, well, if you make the most common, and sometimes most obvious mistakes, then you may just end up spending more and just plainly waste your time. To help you get started, here are a few do’s and don’ts in discus fish breeding.

The Do’s

Do buy a big tank if your existing aquarium is small. For a pair of discus fish, a 27 gallon tank will suffice, but if you have more pairs, then you should get a bigger one, 75 gallons will do the trick for 3 to 4 pairs of discus fish.

Do give your discus fish an area in the tank for them to spawn. Discus fish lay their eggs in a flat vertical surface area at the bottom of the tank. Some use certain plants while some say that an overturned pot will do.

Do vary the diet of your discus fish. When your fish are breeding, a varied diet is important to boost their reproductive system upping their chances of spawning. Aside from the pellets and granules, you can also feed the breeders bloodworms and brine, fresh or frozen as discus fish are carnivorous fishes.

Do keep their habitat livable. This means maintaining the temperature and the pH level of their water. Discus fish tend to get stressed when the water experiences an abrupt change or if its dirty.

The Don’ts

Don’t allow your tank water to get dirty and filled with food debris at the bottom. Any debris left can cause bacteria to develop and make your fish ill. This then will hamper the breeding process.

Don’t overfeed your discus fish. Just give them the recommended amount of food. Adult discus fish should only be fed twice a day.

Don’t be in a rush. Be patient. Breeding fishes doesn’t happen overnight, just keep on trying.

And lastly, don’t forget the obvious; you will need a female and a male discus fish. Try to learn how to spot the gender of your discus fish, this way, if you want to start if with just a pair, you will be able to see if they are indeed of the opposite sex.



Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid

Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid - Taeniacara candidi - Wikipedia

  • Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Tank Conditions: 72-86°F; pH 6.0-7.0;
  • KH 2-15 
  • Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 3"
  • Color Form: Black 
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Diet:  Carnivore 
  • Origin: Farm Raised, South America 

The Taeniacara candidi is known in the hobby as the Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid, and originates within the Amazon Basin of South America. The bodies of these fish are extremely slender and elongated, and have a dark stripe that runs horizontally from the nose to the base of the tail. Another distinguishing feature is its unusually low dorsal fin. 

The Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid should be kept in a tank that is 30 gallons minimum, with densely planted groupings. They require plenty of open swimming areas but also need hiding places. A fine gravel to sand substrate is recommended. Although a semiaggressive fish, they are also timid and should not be housed with large, aggressive fish. They require good water conditions, and regular water changes are a must. 

The Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid is an egg layer that prefers to spawn on the underside of leaves or pieces of driftwood. Once the female has laid her eggs, the male will follow to fertilize them. After fertilization, the male then leaves the brood for the female to tend to.

The fry will be free swimming within seven to ten days, at which time they should be fed newly hatched brine shrimp. They are a fast growing species, and the fry will reach sexual maturity in about five months. 

The Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid is a carnivore, and will consume a wide variety of foods. Freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, flake food, and both frozen and live brine shrimp and worms will make excellent food for these fish.  Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 1-1/2"


The Basic Things You Need to Know About the ELECTRIC BLUE CICHLID

Electric blue cichlids are extremely beautiful fishes and are stupendous in freshwater aquarium keeping. They possess the typical shape of the cichlidae family which is sleek and bullet shaped body.

The other name of a blue cichlid is Sciaenochromis fryeri, which can be placed in the aquarium together with other Lake Malawi cichlids if given sufficient and capacious tank of about 70 gallons or even more if possible and decorate it with plenty of rockwork. Live plants are not very compatible with blue cichlids because of its excessive aggressiveness and agility. However, aquatic plants may be beneficial to other aquarium inhabitants. Electric blue cichlids larger than three inches have the tendency to uproot any plants and may be aggressive towards small fishes.

Cichlid - Electric Blue
Photo by Bradsview

They are originally found in the Northern end of Africa and are considered as an "old species" because of its wide distribution in lakes and its breeding technique. Most of the blue cichlids caught are from Likoma. The natural habitat of a cichlid is deep water over rocky areas. They can grow as much as 20 centimeters.

They are considered as a mouth brooder fish. The female electric blue cichlid will fertilized and carry its eggs in her mouth within the period of twelve to eighteen days, after that the fry are released.  The female can spawn up to 50 - 60 eggs or a maximum of 100 eggs. Spawning is normally done in flat rocks or surface in the wild but in aquarium the males are the ones who make the nest.

These variety thrive well in an aquarium water chemistry of 72 - 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of 7.8 -8.5 and dH of 10 - 15. The temperature may range from 25 - 28 degrees Celsius. Appropriate tank size would be a minimum of 4 - 6 inches in length. The adequate ratio for cichlids inside the tank is one male to five or 7 female blue cichlid.

In the wild this fishes mainly feed in the fry of other species but when kept in aquariums the proper way to provide food is once or twice a day. Each meal should only be given the amount that may be consumed within five minutes. It is best to feed them with live foods like feeder gruppies as well as commercial meaty foods such as freeze-dried or frozen blood worms or brine shrimp. More so, supplement live foods with pellets. Bear in mind that pellets are only supplements to their staple food and should not be fed as their primary diet.

Breeding electric blue cichlid is easy as long as it is provided with the proper care and diet. Read more about how to breed this variety of cichlid, it can be rewarding in your part.


SALVINI CICHLID - How To Setup The Aquarium For This Cichlid?

What is a salvini?
Salvini cichlid or the yellow belly cichlid is also known as the Tri-color cichlid especially during breeding season. They do not appear to be extremely colorful however they show color variations with intensity at the time of spawning.

They are by nature moderately aggressive but gets really aggressive when breeding which is why smaller fishes should not be kept together with salvini's at this time. Ideally they can be tank mates with Jack Dempsey or a Red Devil cichlid.

English: My salvini male (Cichlasoma salvini)
Salvini male (Cichlasoma salvini)
(Photo credit: 

These species are quite known to hobbyist because of its hardiness and vividly beautiful coloration. It exudes spectacular colors of yellow, black, red, and sometimes even blue. They thrive well showing its stunning colors especially when kept with South American Cichlids of equal size and temperament.

What to feed the Salvini?
Feeding them is effortless because it will grab any type of foods given to them. They eat foods like flakes and pellets, or live foods, and frozen foods too. Always remember to add vegetables such as lettuce or zucchini in its meal every now and then to keep diet balance.

What are the preferable aquarium conditions for Salvini Fish?
A 50 gallon aquarium for a pair of salvini is adequate enough. Fill in water with a pH value between 6 and 8, a dH of 8 - 15, and a temperature of 70 - 84 degrees Fahrenheit. A constant water change of 25% - 30% is required at least once a week. The salvini aquarium water also needs a powerful filtration system. Moreover, salvini's tank should be decorated with lots of rocks, driftwood, and plants to provide them copious hiding places.

Live plants may be used in the tank since these species are not substrate digger or plant destroyers, actually it is said to be that salvini's color are enhanced deeply if kept in a well planted tank. Nevertheless, the salvini's should be kept in capacious aquarium. It is preferable to provide them a larger space for the cichlids to swim freely without the distraction of plants and other decorative items. Keep in mind that this variety is a bottom to mid swimmer fishes.

Salvini's are also an excellent parent to its babies thus the fry may be kept together with its parents as they grow. However, when kept in community tanks, the fry may be transferred to a new tank to avoid overcrowding.

Find out more on how to breed and care for the salvini cichlid's fry. Reading and understanding first the basic information about salvini's as well as the aquarium set-up and its water conditions gives hobbyist ideas on what are salvini cichlid fish and how to care for them. After which, they are ready to move on about how to go about breeding.

    By Lacey Bryant
    Lacey Bryant is a cichlid enthusiast and author, who has been caring for cichlids for over 15 years. She has been breeding Cichlids for years and it has become her passion to share her knowledge about their proper care.
    Article Source: EzineArticles



Cleaning your cichlid aquarium is a big job at the best of times. Even with the best mechanical filtration system in the world your aquarium water will become stale and this is why every week you should replace at least 25% of the water with fresh. I am lucky enough just to be able to use tap water which I treat with a product called Aquasafe. This treats the metals found in tap water and makes it safe for the fish. Depending on the type of fish you have you may need to add a little aquarium salt to the fresh water.

Herichthys cyanoguttatum (Rio Grande cichlid, ...
Herichthys cyanoguttatum
(Photo credit: 
Using a siphon you should remove the waste water to a large bucket. For best results the bell end of the siphon should be dragged backwards through the gravel to suck up any waste debris lying on the surface. This will help to clean the gravel and remove uneaten food from the aquarium. This water should be then used to wash any items from inside the aquarium, such as rocks, caves, plastic plants etc. To wash these items in fresh running water would destroy the friendly bacteria and effectively require the aquarium to cycle again.

Each week the filter should also be cleaned. This is normally done by removing the filter media from inside the filter and rinsing it out in the old water you have just removed from the tank. This allows you to remove fish waste from the filter media while not destroying the friendly bacteria needed to process that same waste. Sometime the very fine filter media will have to be replaced with new to maintain effectiveness. On my own 5ft cichlid aquarium I have used two external filters due to the amount of mess that the fish made. Although I cleaned the aquarium weekly I only cleaned one filter on each alternate week to minimise the bacterial disruption.

My own preference has always been for an Eheim Canister Filter. I have always been pleased with the performance and clarity of my aquarium water. An external canister filter is much easier to clean as you can disconnect it from your aquarium setup and remove it to a better location for cleaning. Internal filters on the other hand give rise to the opportunity of fish waste falling back inside the aquarium

The main tank glass should be also cleaned every week using a blade edged scraper or a plastic scourers. I find magnetic cleaners are more of a gimmick than any practical use so, yes, you have to get your hands wet. It is important to thoroughly clean the glass as any trace of algae will give it a foot hold and comeback quicker next time.

I should point out that algae on the aquarium glass is purely a presentation issue. It does not look nice but makes absolutely no difference to your fish. Some fish even like to graze on the algae but providing you are feeding them correctly they can manage without it.


Cichlids - Proper Care of Your CONVICT CICHLIDS

Keeping cichlids is an exciting hobby. For beginners, it is great to start off by keeping convict cichlid fishes and taking care of them is relatively easy. Convict cichlid fish is very easy to keep and breed in the aquarium. The Convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) is a type of fish from the family-Cichlidae, native to Central America. These popular aquarium cichlids are also known as the zebra cichlid.

An Amatitlania nigrofasciatus male.
An Amatitlania nigrofasciatus male.
(Photo credit: 
Convict cichlid fish is a hardy species that can easily adapt to almost any water conditions which made them easy to maintain and breed in aquariums. The aquarium for Convict cichlids should be decorated with a few flat stones and rocks and artificial caves for breeding. Plants are not necessary because of most of the plants will be destroyed by the cichlids.

However, if you really want to put some plants, it is better to put some hardier plants such as Amazonian swords plant and java fern to withstand their aggression. Using these plants, it can help to beautify the aquarium and make the cichlids feel more at home. In fact, as long as you avoid putting harmful toxic objects in your aquarium decoration, your fish will make themselves at home.

They accept a very wide temperature range and pH level range as long as it keep relatively stable but is best kept in 20-28C/ 68-82F and pH 6-8. Convict cichlids are unfussy omnivore and eat most types of prepare fish foods such as flake food and pellets. They also eat aquarium plants. By nature, Convict cichlids are aggressive towards other fish. This is more obvious during their breeding period. It is best to keep Convict cichlids in a separate tank for breeding.

In fact, Convict cichlids are one of the easiest fish in the world to breed. They can start spawning as young as 16 weeks of age. It is common to find a pair of Convict cichlids under a flat stone which the male Convict cichlid could have dug a cave under it earlier and they breed there.

Both cichlids parents will guard both the eggs and the fry. As good and protective parents, they can become very aggressive towards other fish that enters their breeding territory. The fry can be feed crushed flake food and newly hatched brine shrimp.

Because of its relativity small size along with ease for keeping and breeding, Convict cichlid fish is a great cichlid for beginners and aquarists who are interested in observing paid bonding and brood care.
In conclusion, keeping and breeding cichlids is a very satisfying and challenging hobby. Thus, it is very important that you know the secrets of taking care of your cichlids.