Altum angelfish originally came from Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia. The word Altum is a Latin word that means tall and this fits the fish well because it can grow as 30cm/12” in height and they can get long as 15 cm/6”. These angelfish are the sensitive version of angels. They are not that suitable for keeping as pets because of their timid and sensitive traits plus they could cost a lot ranging from $20-$50. But if you really into this angel, then you must prepare to pay for this amount to acquire this sensitive angel. The suitable and normal range of ph for its water is 4.5-6.5 plus they prefer warmer water with the temperature of 28-30C/82-86F.
Altum Angelfish is one of the largest and colorful cichlids. They are known for its timid traits that even a small shadow could frighten them. Though they are timid and a bit frightened, when they start to get accustomed to its surroundings, they can be good pet fish. But this fish is not that friendly to smaller fishes in the reefs though they may join the school of other fishes, they still get aggressive and very territorial as they grow older and when they in the breeding stage. It was in the early 1900s when the first altum angelfish was introduced and established in America. There have been numerous colors and patterns available in every pet shop, retailer and wholesalers since then.
Altum Angelfish has a habit of always yawning. Their mouths are larger than any angels. These fishes are very rare and most of the time, you will notice some defects on their skin in a pet shop because of the shipping and sometimes because of the fighting scene from other predators. You will also notice some black pepper-like sprinkles on their skin. This is an infection called black spot disease. Adult altum can grow up to 13 to 15 inches or more. You must provide a large and spacious tank or aquarium for them.
When it comes to the altum angelfish diet, this species is not a picky eater. They most especially like to feed on mosquito larvae, blood worms, Daphnia and some live brine shrimp. They prefer these foods to be frozen first. Make sure to feed them once a day then leave one day out before you feed them again to make sure that they really digested it all. Brine shrimp can also help their digestion and can even prevent constipation. Altums also like to eat the substrate on their tanks which can injure their delicate mouths Though most cichlids are peaceful, altum can be quite aggressive and territorial when it comes to space on their tanks. Make sure to use coarse gravel with more rounded edges to prevent this harm to happen to your altums.
Gold severum cichlids are a native of South America. They are also known as Hero Cichlids or Banded gold severuCichlids. They are of the larger types of cichlids and can grow up to 20cm in length.
Male and female gold severum cichlids basically have the same color although the females appear to be paler than the males. The only other difference in their color is that the females do not have the same pattern on their heads as the males.
Baby cichlids will have clearer patterns on their bodies. These patterns consist of 7 to 8 stripes on their bodies. By the time these baby cichlids mature, these patterns will not be as visible and my even reach a point where only bar will only be clearly visible.
To make these cichlids happy, you'll need to keep them in a big enough aquarium. To keep gold severum cichlids on a proper diet, make sure you feed them enough vegetables which means sticking to their natural diet as much as possible although this type of cichlid will eat almost anything.
These cichlids are generally mild-mannered and shy and will mix with active fishes of the same size and habits as itself. The water temperature that is right for the cichlids should be kept between 72F to 79F.
Although these cichlids are shy in nature, when it comes to breeding they are pretty aggressive and because of this nature, it is best to set up a separate tank especially for your breeding gold severum cichlids. The initial breeding process will take some time though as these cichlids are known for being picky when it comes to choosing their breeding partners. Gold severum cichlid broods can be as large as containing 1000 eggs at each spawn.
Parachromis managuense has a bad reputation, just like many of the other large predatory cichlids. This reputation is largely undeserved, and besides, the positive sides of these fishes more than makeup for any negative ones. Not to mention that an adult P. managuense is incredibly beautiful.
I've kept these cichlids and have nothing but good to say about them as long as you have an aquarium large enough to handle this species that grows to 55 cm/22 inches. I would say that the absolute minimum to keep these cichlids together with other cichlids is a tank of 540 litres/120 gallons. And that's a minimum; a larger aquarium is preferable. Large specimens require even larger aquariums. They can be bred in aquariums that are at least 250 litres/55 gallons.
The aquarium should be decorated so that natural territory boundaries are created and so that there are a lot of hiding places for the female, as the male can be quite mean to her if she isn't ready to breed when he is. Larger rocks should be placed directly on the bottom of the aquarium since this species digs a lot and can move large stones. Use silica to glue caves and stone formations together so that they don't fall down.
This species hasn't got any bigger demands and thrives in most water conditions as long as pH and DH levels aren't too extreme in either direction.
P. managuense can be kept with other cichlids from the region as long as they aren't too small and can stand up for themselves. This is true for most cichlids species from Central America. P. managuense can be aggressive, but in my experience, their aggressiveness is greatly exaggerated and P. managuense leaves most fishes alone. However, during breeding, they will protect their young and their territory furiously, and since they are quite large they can claim large territories especially if normal boundaries aren't created in the aquarium. But I wish to stress that P. managuense normally isn't that aggressive and doesn't beat other fish to death. Just don't keep them with fish small enough to eat (except for Ancistrus which usually survive despite their small size).
Feeding P. managuense is easy and they accept just about any food. I recommend feeding them a diet of pellets, shrimps and fish bits. To vary the diet I sometimes feed them live feeders, usually convicts since it seems that one always has spare convicts one can't get rid of by selling or giving away. I usually feed my P. managuense twice a day with the occasional week without food.
Sexing P. managuense is usually easy and follows the line of most other cichlids. Females are smaller and rounder. Breeding P. managuense is according to my experience also easy as long as you give them their own aquarium. Breeding them in aquariums with other cichlids is harder, but not too hard. The biggest problem is deciding what to do with and how to raise the very large number of fry. Each spawning can generate up to 2000-3000 fry.
They are usually very good parents and the fry grow very fast. They guard their young for up to 6 weeks during which time the fry reaches a size of 1.5 - 2 cm, or approximately ¾ inch. After that, the parents spawn again and the fry has to be removed or the parents will kill them while protecting the new batch. However, on rare occasions, the parents can protect two batches simultaneously. This usually ends in the second batch being eaten by their older sisters and brothers, which will grow very fast on this diet. :-)
Spawnings are usually 4-7 weeks apart. They usually lay their eggs on a rock or root that has been carefully cleaned, and then dig very big craters right down to the glass bottom in which to keep their young. The fry is small but accepts most kinds of food. The parents will spit out pellets that they've chewed into tiny pieces for the fry to eat. The growth rate I mentioned above is based on my own experiences when I feed only pellets. However, I don't recommend you rely too heavily on the parents chewing food for their young. You might observe whether the fry gets the food they need this way, but if they don't I recommend you feed the fry if you want them to survive.
Raising the fry without their parents is much harder and I wouldn't recommend separating fry unless it's absolutely necessary. If possible, it's better to wait a few weeks until the fry has grown a little.
If you like predatory fish and are willing to take my word that most of its reputation is undeserved, then I recommend you to try this very beautiful fish.
Article by William Berg - Article Source: EzineArticles
Gold severum cichlids belong to the Cichlidae family of fish. They are generally the shy type of cichlids. They are also one of the largest cichlids growing up to 20cm. Their bodies are shaped like a discus.
Due to their size, these cichlids are best kept in aquariums that are large enough for them to be comfortable in. These cichlids also like to swim all over the aquarium so make sure that they have plenty of swimming space.
Gold severum cichlids are also known as hero cichlids or banded cichlids. The latter name is due to the bands that they have on their bodies. These bands consist of around 7 to 8 stripes which are most vivid on baby cichlids. Once they reach maturity, these bands become less vivid. Male and female cichlids usually have the same color although the females appear paler in comparison to the males.
In addition to that, the females also do not have the pattern on the forehead as the males. These cichlids are particularly hard to breed due to the fact they are very particular when it comes to choosing their breeding partners. But when they do spawn, these cichlids become very territorial and aggressive which makes them very protective of their brood. Gold severum cichlids are open breeders which means they'll lay their eggs on open and flat surfaces.
Gold severum cichlids are omnivorous by nature which means that they'll eat both plants and creatures. But when feeding these cichlids you should stick to their natural diet which means it should contain a lot of vegetable ingredients. They would do well when fed with flake foods, pellets and live worms.
When treated properly and kept healthy, the lifespan of a gold severum cichlid is said to reach over 10 years.
In conclusion, keeping and breeding cichlids is a very satisfying and challenging hobby. Thus, it is very important that you know the secrets of taking care of your cichlids.
This is a picture of two Oscar Fish in a Fish Tank (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Oscar fish are some of the most beautiful and hardy fish you can keep in an aquarium, but require special care and aquarium conditions to flourish. These fish can grow up to fourteen inches long, which makes them a handful for novice aquarium keepers -- they're definitely not starter fish. If you'd like to experience the special challenge of raising Oscar fish, then keep these tips in mind.
#1 - Oscar fish only like other Oscars.
Oscars are schooling fish, and they only like being with their own kind. They won't appreciate it when mixed in with different species and are known to attack other fish.
Oscars would love it if they schooled with a few other of their own kind in the fish tank. Remember that these fish can grow to be pretty big, so make sure to give at least 30 gallons of swimming space for them. If you take care of your Oscars well, they can live up to fifteen years.
#2 - Oscar can spawn with the best of them.
There are many Oscar species out there, and some of them change colours when they're ready to mate. If you have a male and a female Oscar in the same tank, they might spawn thousands of eggs at once. If you don't want to deal with a fish tank full of Oscars, then it might be a good idea to put one Oscar in a different location until its color changes back to its original color.
#3 - Oscars need specific conditions to survive.
Aside from a big enough tank, the usual filters, aerators, and lighting, Oscars thrive in clean, clear water with temperatures around 28 degrees Celsius. For some reason, they also prefer sandy bottoms to gravel. They feed on carnivorous fish food -- you can check with your local pet store if they have any fish food that's specifically for Oscars.
Surprisingly, Oscars can also eat food scraps such as shrimp, worms, and vegetables. Oscars only need to be fed once a day, and make sure you only give so much food that they can consume everything in three minutes.
Oscars are great pets to have, and it's always a temptation to add another one to the fish tank. Remember, though, that it's best to add an Oscar that's around the same size as the Oscars already in the tank. This will make sure that they'll get along swimmingly.
The Green terror cichlid(Andinoacara (Aequidens) rivulatus)is frequently confused with Blue Acara, somehow there is a slight difference in their features which is, green terror has a more pronounced bump on its forehead when they mature. They are also more aggressive than the other fish that is why it is important to keep them with varieties that can fend themselves.
They are widely spread in South America, Ecuador, and Peru. They are commonly found in still and sluggish waters of the local river basins. Generally speaking, when looking at the side angle of a terror the shape is obviously oval, in the front angle, it is evident that this variety has a very broad forehead area and gradually decreases down to its rear. The mature male, however, tends to develop a noticeable hump and may also reach a length of about 8 inches in its regular size.
It is the male in this variety that is catchy to the eye of the hobbyist possessing a body color of a brilliant and bright greenish white. The tails especially are very attractive that is demonstrated with reticulation and fringed in bright red color... Really magnificent! The female is rather not much of a head turner with drab olive green color and does not have the favorable metallic feature of the male. Somehow some females may possess a blue-green color of its chin.
Green terror cichlid is somehow a hardy fish and may be quite easy to care for especially when needs are met. They are basically omnivorous and will always eat on anything and may relish any live foods. They thrive well on large tanks with copious caves and rocks to hide in such as driftwood, rockwood, and live plants as well. Live plants though may be uprooted because of their agility and aggressiveness. When young they may be placed together with other community cichlids nevertheless as they mature they tend to live up to its name the "green terror" and will seemingly terrorize all except for the largest fish in the tank. Needless to say, they are best kept in a species tank.
The adequate tank size of this variety should be approximately 48 inches with water that is soft to hardy and a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5 and kept in a constant temperature of 72 - 82 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 - 24 degrees Celsius. Like any other cichlids, by providing them with the proper filtration, temperature, and frequent water change will live healthily and vigorously.
Breeding a green terror cichlid, always choose the most robust fishes and paired with an unrelated juvenile and raise to sexual maturity about three inches. They breed in a typical Aequidens way, meaning they will find an open water location and spawns in a flat stone. Unlike other cichlids that hide their nest, the green terror does not. Check more on the breeding methods of green terror cichlid in order to spawn one of your own.
By Lacey Bryant Lacey Bryant is a cichlid enthusiast and author, who has been caring for cichlids for over 15 years. She has been breeding Cichlids for years and it has become her passion to share her knowledge about their proper care. Article Source: EzineArticles
Herichthys cyanoguttatum (Rio Grande cichlid, Texas cichlid). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New World Cichlids can be found in the continents of North America, South America, and Central America. These fish make wonderful pets due to their unique colors, their interesting personalities, and the ease with which they may be maintained.
The angelfish is one of the most common New World cichlids. A South American cichlid, the angelfish is beautiful and queenly but needs very specific water conditions. Angelfish are generally triangular-shaped with long, string-like fins trailing behind them and sometimes a stripe or two across their backs.
Another common New World cichlid is the convict, so named because of its feisty temperament. Convict cichlids may be bullies but they can live in a wide variety of aquarium conditions and are easy to keep and breed. Convicts can be identified by their light blue bodies and the dark black, zebra stripes across their backs.
The Jack Dempsey is also a favorite among cichlid lovers. Like the convict, the Jack Dempsey can be moody, and as an adult, he can grow up to nearly a foot in length. Jack Dempsey's are dark brown but males usually have splashes or dots of bright blue or green on their sides and humps on their foreheads. Jack Dempsey's are easy to keep and need large open spaces as well as caves to hide in.
In the wild, North and Central American cichlids are found in rivers and lakes. Some lay their eggs in the sand of the river bottoms while others lay them simply on top of rocks at the bottom of the lake in which they reside. Some even make their homes in tiny underwater caves and tunnels. South American cichlids are usually found in water conditions that are more acidic such as black water regions in the Amazonian basin.
The aquarium requirements for these types of fish vary according to their natural habit. North and Central American cichlids are more adept at adapting to vary aquarium conditions but need good hiding places or caves in their aquarium for refuge. These should not be kept in any tank with a length of fewer than 48 inches.
The South American cichlid usually needs much more specific water conditions in the aquarium in which it is kept. The pH balance of the water needs to be quite low - sometimes as low as six - and the water itself needs to be very soft. Plants are popular with the South American cichlid, although certain species may cause havoc to underwater plants.
One of the best things about New World cichlids is that there are so many from which to choose. The variety available among these species of fish is simply astounding and there is always something new to discover. New World cichlid fish can be a joy to take care of and a delight to own.
Female Apistogramma nijsseni in mating colors (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New World Cichlids can be found in the continents of North America, South America, and Central America. These fish make wonderful pets due to their unique colors, their interesting personalities, and the ease with which they may be maintained.
The angelfish is one of the most common New World cichlids. A South American cichlid, the angelfish is beautiful and queenly but needs very specific water conditions. Angelfish are generally triangular-shaped with long, string-like fins trailing behind them and sometimes a stripe or two across their backs.
Another common New World cichlid is the convict, so named because of its feisty temperament. Convict cichlids may be bullies but they can live in a wide variety of aquarium conditions and are easy to keep and breed. Convicts can be identified by their light blue bodies and the dark black, zebra stripes across their backs.
The Jack Dempsey is also a favorite among cichlid lovers. Like the convict, the Jack Dempsey can be moody, and as an adult, he can grow up to nearly a foot in length. Jack Dempseys are dark brown but males usually have splashes or dots of bright blue or green on their sides and humps on their foreheads. Jack Dempseys are easy to keep and need large open spaces as well as caves to hide in.
Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), a popular aquarium fish from South America. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the wild, North and Central American cichlids are found in rivers and lakes. Some lay their eggs in the sand of the river bottoms while others lay them simply on top of rocks at the bottom of the lake in which they reside. Some even make their homes in tiny underwater caves and tunnels. South American cichlids are usually found in water conditions that are more acidic such as black water regions in the Amazonian basin.
The aquarium requirements for these types of fish vary according to their natural habit. North and Central American cichlids are more adept at adapting to vary aquarium conditions but need good hiding places or caves in their aquarium for refuge. These should not be kept in any tank with a length of fewer than 48 inches.
The South American cichlid usually needs much more specific water conditions in the aquarium in which it is kept. The pH balance of the water needs to be quite low - sometimes as low as six - and the water itself needs to be very soft. Plants are popular with the South American cichlid, although certain species may cause havoc to underwater plants.
One of the best things about New World cichlids is that there are so many from which to choose. The variety available among these species of fish is simply astounding and there is always something new to discover. New World cichlid fish can be a joy to take care of and a delight to own.
Native to South American freshwaters, the Jaguar Cichlid (Parachromis managuensis) is as aggressive as its name suggests. For this reason, one must be careful not to put them into a tank with smaller species; it will attack them. During the breeding period, their aggression is heightened and they may even attack larger species. Providing a separate tank during breeding, or at the very least a tank partition will be beneficial to your entire fish population.
The Jaguar Cichlid can live for 15 years and males can reach sizes over 12 inches. Females will rarely exceed 12 inches in size, but these fish will need a relatively large aquarium, not less than 180 gallons if breeding or kept with other fish. Water temperatures should be kept between 77F and 97F with a pH level between 7.0 and 8.7.
If you want a Jaguar cichlid and you want to reduce it's aggressive behavior (which you can only do to a certain extent) then replicating their natural environment and water chemistry is a must. When I say natural environment, I mean the substrate of their habitat, the plants that are found in their favorite swimming areas, the types of rocks or driftwood and even the pace of the current. You can add a current to your aquarium by installing special jets with an adjustable flow-rate. Water chemistry includes pH, water temperature, water hardness and water clarity.
As a predatory fish, the Jaguar Cichlid prefers live food but may be trained to consume pellets as well. These fish reach maturity when they are about 4 inches in size and at this point are ready to breed. Males will lose the stripes on their body when mature. In keeping with their aggressive nature, males may become violent even with the females when breeding so it may be necessary to divide the tank in a way that the female may reach the male, but not vice versa. You can do this by installing a plastic divider in the aquarium. The divider needs to have one or two holes that are big enough for the female to swim through, but too small for the male to fit. This will allow the female to interact with the male when she wants to and swim away to protect herself when she needs to.
Jaguar Cichlids double in population every 1 to 4 years and are sought after for food and trade alike. Be sure you can accommodate the special needs of a Jaguar Cichlid before you make the decision to add them to your aquarium.
The Firemouth Cichlid, Thorichthys Meeki, comes from Central American areas such as Mexico and Belize. It is also known as the Red Breasted Cichlid. They are named such due to the fiery coloration on the underside of their mouths and from the tail to the mouth, it has a vivid red throat and belly.
On average their size is about 6 inches but they can grow larger and on the whole are a good fish for beginners to aquariums to work with and they can live up to 15 years. Water temperature should be between 75°F and 80°F and the pH between 6.5 and 7.5 although they are a pretty durable fish and can adapt to many water types. Water will need weekly changes of at least 15% to 20%.
Like most Cichlids, the Firemouth is carnivorous and prefers live foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms or crickets. They are not picky though and will eat frozen food, pellets, and flakes happily. Be sure to feed food that has a good protein content and vary the type of food given so that the fish can receive a mixture of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to stay healthy. In the case of baby Firemouth, a mixture of baby brine shrimp and crushed flakes should suffice.
Since the Firemouth fish likes to hide, it is good to include broken flower pots and piles of rocks for them to enjoy the nooks and crannies. Some water plants can be used but the Firemouth likes to dig in the substrate and so can easily damage or kill plants unless the plants are potted. The Firemouth Cichlid prefers a sandy tank bottom with broken driftwood but leaves an open area in the center of the tank for them to swim in.
Firemouth Cichlid is egg layers and prefers to do so on flat rocks or overturned flowerpots and they can get extremely aggressive during their breeding period. In general, they can be highly territorial and aggressive towards other fish and so should be monitored if in the same tank as other species or if you have more than a pair of them.
Always keep a close eye when introducing fish into the same aquarium as the territorial battles can result in stress and death.
A Picture of my large Blood Parrot (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The blood parrot cichlid should not be confused with the parrot cichlid (Hoplarchus Psittacus). Blood parrot cichlids have no binomial nomenclature (scientific designation) to identify them by. Nor do they have a natural habitat. Why you may ask? Blood parrots are a man-made hybrid. They are, in fact, one of the only two fish species found within the Exotic-Aquariums Fish Care and Breeding Guide entirely of man-made origins. Although their parental lineage was never documented and remains shrouded in mystery, the blood parrot was first created in Taiwan around 1986.
Prevalent speculation points to the following cichlid species as the potential candidates of parental origins; the redhead cichlid (Cichlasoma synspilum) and the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) or a coupling between the red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus) and the severum (Heros Severus). Despite the fact that all of the aforementioned species are native to either Central or South America, the blood parrot is considered an Asian cichlid because of the geographical location of its hybridization.
Regardless of the point of origin or parental ancestry, blood parrot cichlids have stirred up almost as much controversy as their man-made counterparts, the glofish. Unlike the glofish, blood parrots are a product of selective breeding rather than genetic manipulation. As such they have not banned for sale in most countries as a genetically engineered species. The subject of the controversy revolves around the anatomical deformities inherent in the hybridization of this previously nonexistent subspecies.
Perhaps the most physically detrimental deformity relates to the hybrid's narrow, beak-like mouth. Its vertical mouth opening makes it hard for the fish to feed and leaves it vulnerable to possible starvation. Blood parrots compensate for this deformity by using their throat muscles to finish pulverizing their food. Additional deformities include malformed swim bladders which result in erratic swimming patterns, unnaturally large often misshapen irises and deformed spinal columns that contribute to the fish's unique shape. To add further fuel to the controversy, many breeders inject the fish with colored dyes to increase the intensity and diversity of its color palette and enhance its overall marketability marketing them under the trade name Bubblegum Parrot.
This same practice was also used to transform Indian glassfish into the once very popular Disco fish. The dying of fish for commercial resale is detrimental to the fish's health and frequently shortens their life expectancy. Practical Fishkeeping has been instrumental in exposing these practices to the general public. As a result of many fish stores and online retailers no longer stock the modified variations of these fish.
Although blood parrots were a product of the 80s they were not widely available in pet shops until 2000. Many avid fish enthusiasts were opposed to the sale of these creatures on ethical grounds due to the inherent deformities resulting from their creation. Fish stores who stocked these hybrids were even boycotted. Said boycotts only met with limited success. Some store owners simply cannot afford not to carry this inventory because of the high price tag they fetch. Ethical principles and genetic deformities aside, blood parrots frequently live for 10 years and have been reported to live as long as 15 years of age.
If you are not ethically opposed to owning a blood parrot then you should be aware that this is one of the larger cichlids. Blood parrots commonly grow 8-10 inches in length. A single fish will require a minimum aquarium size of 50 gallons. When kept as a community fish, you will need a substantially larger tank. Care should be exercised when choosing their tank mates. Blood parrots should not be housed with large aggressive fish. They should not be forced to compete for food or turf in a community setting. Angelfish, catfish, danios and larger variety tetras make suitable tank mates.
Blood parrots should be provided with ample room and adequate hiding places so that they can establish their own territorial boundaries. Driftwood, rock work and larger aquarium décor are excellent options. Like many cichlids, these fish are prone to dig up gravel. Choosing a smaller, less course substrate is recommended. These fish tend to function best under subdued lighting. This is attributed to iris irregularities inherent in their breeding.
South American cichlids prefer soft water environments with a ph balance around 6.8. Water temperature should be maintained between 78-86 °F. Lower temperature ranges could result in a loss of coloration.
The blood parrot is an omnivorous cichlid. They will readily accept a wide variety of foods. They are more adept at consuming sinking rather than floating food offerings. Standard food fare can be supplemented with bloodworms and brine shrimp. Commercial products high in b-carotene and canthaxanthin will help enhance and maintain their coloration. These fish are voracious eaters. They are known for generating a large amount of uneaten food debris in a short period of time. A good filtration system combined with frequent water changes and substrate maintenance is a must to keep nitrate levels in check.
Breeding Blood Parrot Cichlids
Although Parrots have been known to mate and even lay eggs, generally they are infertile. Male blood parrots are typically infertile. There have been sporadic cases of successful spawnings, generally when they have been crossed with a non-hybrid fish. The use of a non-hybridized male will increase your rate of success. In commercial breeding, males are injected with hormones to increase fertility rates. Like other cichlids, Blood Parrots will tend the eggs and resulting fry fastidiously. As with any eggs, those that are infertile will turn white and rapidly fungus. The parents will eat infertile eggs to prevent them from spreading the fungus to the fertile eggs.
Once the eggs hatch, daily water changes of 25% are critical to ensuring the health of the fry. Fresh baby brine shrimp are the optimum food during the first couple of weeks. Often pet shops will carry frozen baby brine shrimp, which can also be used. As they fry grow, they can be weaned to finely crushed flake food.
By Stephen J Broy The hottest new trend in aquarium ownership is pet jellyfish. Jellyfish require a specially designed Jellyfish Aquarium Fish Tank to remain alive and healthy. Jellyfish aquariums are easier to maintain than a traditional saltwater tank. Pet Moon Jellyfish have become exceptionally popular in recent years with home aquarists both for their unparalleled elegance and ease of care. The market for moon jellies has increased to the point that two US-based websites are now tank raising these exotic creatures to keep pace with the growing demand.
They are scientifically known as the Heros severus and commonly called the green severum, or the Hero cichlid, or even the Banded cichlid. This variety belongs to the family Cichlidae of the South American cichlid. Normally they can grow as much as 8 inches in length at maturity and has a lifespan of approximately 10 years.
They are endemic to South America and can thrive in a 40-gallon aquarium. They do well together with New World Cichlids as tank mates such as the Firemouth, Green terror, Salvini, Texas, Blood Parrots and even Peicos.
Severum cichlids came from the Northern American region of Brazil and appear to have a body shape similar to that of a discus. There are two color variations of these species and that includes Gold severum which was developed out of the green severum. They are originally bred from a pale yellow iridescent color without dark band original color. From the word green, green severum possess a greenish body with a good number of bands on its body.
Severum's thrive well with a water temperature of 72 - 84 degrees Fahrenheit, a pH range from 5.1 - 6.5, and a hardness between 3 - 10 inches. Regularly change about 10 - 20% water change weekly or bi-weekly depending on the number of cichlids in the tank.
Breeding information:
Although they are a peaceful species, they still have the possibility of eating small fish when placed together. Furthermore, severums may be quite difficult to breed compared to the other New World Cichlids because they are hard to pair off and also they do not readily pair off with the females. Sexing female or male severums are hardly recognized merely by its appearance. But they also have features that match that of other cichlid varieties and that is they basically spawn in a particularly clean horizontal surface as well as acting very concern parents to its young. They would patiently guard and take care of their young while growing up.
What is its proper diet?
Severums are omnivorous, they love flake foods, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and cichlid sticks which are considered as its favorite. They also like blanched zucchini, earthworms, or marine crustaceans. However, do not feed beef heart or liver for this food is hard to digest and may cause illness. Feed the food only 2 - 5 pinches in a small amount and in small quantities a day and not at once. This way the quality of water is kept for a long period of time. By letting your fish fast for one day once a week is also advantageous to your pet. Providing severum cichlid with vitamins and supplements which are added to its food may also be beneficial.
Lacey Bryant is a cichlid enthusiast and author, who has been caring for cichlids for over 20 years. It is her goal to see that all Cichlids are properly cared for.
A native of the lakes in Costa Rica and Nicaragua the Midas cichlid or Amphilophus Citrinellus is a popular fish of many pet shops and fish owners. It is a large fish that can grow to fourteen inches in length. It is quite beautiful and comes in an array of colors. They are normally yellow, red and white or an assortment of these colors. The Midas cichlid can easily be identified by the nuchal hump which is a feature of the adult male. The female version is not quite as distinguishable. The males have larger fins as well.
This fish likes lots of water. It should be placed in a large tank alone or in pairs. One Midas would be happy in a tank of 75 gallons of water. That should be the minimum amount. If the fish keeper still insists on placing it with other fish the best option would be to put fish of the same size. Any fish that looks to be inferior will surely end up in the stomach. The tank should have lots of rocks and wood. Ceramic pieces and slate will make it very comfortable. Since this is a fish that loves to dig it is not a good idea to place many plants in the tank unless they are plants that will prove difficult for the fish to move. Even if they can't move the plant around they will shred it to pieces.
The Midas Cichlid is omnivorous so it should be fed on protein as well as nonprotein foods. Worms, brine shrimp, processed fish food should be used to feed this fish. Vegetables and plants should also be added to the diet. They should be fed two or three times per day.
This fish has an intense breeding season. The male and female will play with each other for weeks and even months. They rub against each other until the time comes for the female to lay the eggs. The couple works together by digging towards the bottom of the tank where the female will lay the eggs. After laying them in rows the male will fertilize each of them. The male becomes very possessive and may attack the female during this period. To ensure her safety the fish keeper should put dividers in the tank. The male will stay with the eggs until the fry is able to go on their own. Both parents have a habit of eating any eggs that are not hatched.
If given proper treatment the Midas cichlid can live for up to fifteen years. The water should be cleaned regularly and have the correct temperature. They produce a lot of waste so the water should be tested regularly for any contaminants and chemical imbalances that would cause them stress. The recommended temperature is between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They are prone to Hole-in-the-head disease.
The Midas cichlid is a very interesting fish. They have flourished in captivity. Scientists have been using them to help in the conduct of behavioral research.
Jan Hvizdak owns Aqua-Fish.Net where you're welcome to visit a profile of the Midas cichlid.
Bloody Parrot, also called the Red Parrot (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Typically speaking there are two kinds of cichlids that belong to the parrot cichlid family, the Hoplarchus Psittacus (Green Parrot) and the Blood Parrot. The Green Parrot Cichlid is known to be the "original" parrot. It is a beautiful green cichlid that originates from the Amazon in South America. Not surprisingly its name came from its big parrot-like mouth. It is known to be less common within the aquarium industry but over the past few years, it is slowly becoming more popular.
The Blood Parrot is noticeably more common in aquarium shops. Interestingly, the Blood Parrot is a fish that has been developed over a few years of selective breeding and when it first came on the scene it was a bright Orange. Nowadays this fish is known to be found in many different colors such as Red, Purple, Blue, Yellow, and Green just to name a few. Given the mass range of selective breeding and colors that have now been produced, there has been a blanket name placed over these multi-colored fish, this is known as the Jellybean Cichlid.
Because the Blood Parrot Cichlid is a man-made hybrid so to speak, knowing the exact origins of this fish become difficult however there is speculation that it might be a cross between the Severum and a Midas Cichlid or Red Devil.
An interesting fact is that it does not have a scientific name due to its hybrid origins, it should also be noted that it will never be given one because of this reason.
Water parameters for this fish are somewhat the same as the original Green Parrot, neutral pH and a temperature of around 26°C or 78°F. Parrot Cichlids have been known to grow to 12 inches in length or more in some rare occasions and can be expected to live for up to 10 years.
Some good Tank Mates for the Parrot Cichlid are as follows;
* Geophagus cichlids,
* Rainbow cichlids,
* Firemouths,
* Severums
* Some Tetra species (make sure they are not fin nippers)
Blood Parrots generally attempt to breed when the water parameters are suitable, and in some cases have been known to attempt to breed every few weeks or so. Unfortunately, the lack of egg fertilization is a common problem associated with these fish and breeding, although consistent might be very unsuccessful.
However more and more people have reported that they have had successful breeding pairs, perhaps this is all a part of their hybrid origins being bred out of them.
Learn everything you need to know about setting up and maintaining a perfect Cichlid Tank including the unbelievably simple secrets the professional breeders use on caring, feeding, breeding, and diseases!