Showing posts with label Cichlids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cichlids. Show all posts


The Basic Do’s and Don’ts in DISCUS FISH Breeding

Having a fish tank at your home not only increases the aesthetics and the ambience of your home, it also provides you an avenue to relieve stress. Many homeowners which have aquariums in their houses swear to the fact that aquariums provides them with a sense of calmness, but of course, the fish inside the tank does a lot to make this happen. And one of the most sought after tropical freshwater fish today is the discus fish.

Photo by GIALIAT

A lot of discus fish owners today have seen the great potential in making money of their pets. First off, you have to realize that the discus fish is not just like your ordinary goldfish, they can be quite costly and selling their fry has the possibility of making them money. You too can be able to venture in this, providing you know what you are doing.

Some would say that breeding discus fish can be very difficult, well, if you make the most common, and sometimes most obvious mistakes, then you may just end up spending more and just plainly waste your time. To help you get started, here are a few do’s and don’ts in discus fish breeding.

The Do’s

Do buy a big tank if your existing aquarium is small. For a pair of discus fish, a 27 gallon tank will suffice, but if you have more pairs, then you should get a bigger one, 75 gallons will do the trick for 3 to 4 pairs of discus fish.

Do give your discus fish an area in the tank for them to spawn. Discus fish lay their eggs in a flat vertical surface area at the bottom of the tank. Some use certain plants while some say that an overturned pot will do.

Do vary the diet of your discus fish. When your fish are breeding, a varied diet is important to boost their reproductive system upping their chances of spawning. Aside from the pellets and granules, you can also feed the breeders bloodworms and brine, fresh or frozen as discus fish are carnivorous fishes.

Do keep their habitat livable. This means maintaining the temperature and the pH level of their water. Discus fish tend to get stressed when the water experiences an abrupt change or if its dirty.

The Don’ts

Don’t allow your tank water to get dirty and filled with food debris at the bottom. Any debris left can cause bacteria to develop and make your fish ill. This then will hamper the breeding process.

Don’t overfeed your discus fish. Just give them the recommended amount of food. Adult discus fish should only be fed twice a day.

Don’t be in a rush. Be patient. Breeding fishes doesn’t happen overnight, just keep on trying.

And lastly, don’t forget the obvious; you will need a female and a male discus fish. Try to learn how to spot the gender of your discus fish, this way, if you want to start if with just a pair, you will be able to see if they are indeed of the opposite sex.



Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid

Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid - Taeniacara candidi - Wikipedia

  • Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Tank Conditions: 72-86°F; pH 6.0-7.0;
  • KH 2-15 
  • Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 3"
  • Color Form: Black 
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Diet:  Carnivore 
  • Origin: Farm Raised, South America 

The Taeniacara candidi is known in the hobby as the Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid, and originates within the Amazon Basin of South America. The bodies of these fish are extremely slender and elongated, and have a dark stripe that runs horizontally from the nose to the base of the tail. Another distinguishing feature is its unusually low dorsal fin. 

The Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid should be kept in a tank that is 30 gallons minimum, with densely planted groupings. They require plenty of open swimming areas but also need hiding places. A fine gravel to sand substrate is recommended. Although a semiaggressive fish, they are also timid and should not be housed with large, aggressive fish. They require good water conditions, and regular water changes are a must. 

The Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid is an egg layer that prefers to spawn on the underside of leaves or pieces of driftwood. Once the female has laid her eggs, the male will follow to fertilize them. After fertilization, the male then leaves the brood for the female to tend to.

The fry will be free swimming within seven to ten days, at which time they should be fed newly hatched brine shrimp. They are a fast growing species, and the fry will reach sexual maturity in about five months. 

The Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid is a carnivore, and will consume a wide variety of foods. Freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, flake food, and both frozen and live brine shrimp and worms will make excellent food for these fish.  Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 1-1/2"


The Basic Things You Need to Know About the ELECTRIC BLUE CICHLID

Electric blue cichlids are extremely beautiful fishes and are stupendous in freshwater aquarium keeping. They possess the typical shape of the cichlidae family which is sleek and bullet shaped body.

The other name of a blue cichlid is Sciaenochromis fryeri, which can be placed in the aquarium together with other Lake Malawi cichlids if given sufficient and capacious tank of about 70 gallons or even more if possible and decorate it with plenty of rockwork. Live plants are not very compatible with blue cichlids because of its excessive aggressiveness and agility. However, aquatic plants may be beneficial to other aquarium inhabitants. Electric blue cichlids larger than three inches have the tendency to uproot any plants and may be aggressive towards small fishes.

Cichlid - Electric Blue
Photo by Bradsview

They are originally found in the Northern end of Africa and are considered as an "old species" because of its wide distribution in lakes and its breeding technique. Most of the blue cichlids caught are from Likoma. The natural habitat of a cichlid is deep water over rocky areas. They can grow as much as 20 centimeters.

They are considered as a mouth brooder fish. The female electric blue cichlid will fertilized and carry its eggs in her mouth within the period of twelve to eighteen days, after that the fry are released.  The female can spawn up to 50 - 60 eggs or a maximum of 100 eggs. Spawning is normally done in flat rocks or surface in the wild but in aquarium the males are the ones who make the nest.

These variety thrive well in an aquarium water chemistry of 72 - 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of 7.8 -8.5 and dH of 10 - 15. The temperature may range from 25 - 28 degrees Celsius. Appropriate tank size would be a minimum of 4 - 6 inches in length. The adequate ratio for cichlids inside the tank is one male to five or 7 female blue cichlid.

In the wild this fishes mainly feed in the fry of other species but when kept in aquariums the proper way to provide food is once or twice a day. Each meal should only be given the amount that may be consumed within five minutes. It is best to feed them with live foods like feeder gruppies as well as commercial meaty foods such as freeze-dried or frozen blood worms or brine shrimp. More so, supplement live foods with pellets. Bear in mind that pellets are only supplements to their staple food and should not be fed as their primary diet.

Breeding electric blue cichlid is easy as long as it is provided with the proper care and diet. Read more about how to breed this variety of cichlid, it can be rewarding in your part.


SALVINI CICHLID - How To Setup The Aquarium For This Cichlid?

What is a salvini?
Salvini cichlid or the yellow belly cichlid is also known as the Tri-color cichlid especially during breeding season. They do not appear to be extremely colorful however they show color variations with intensity at the time of spawning.

They are by nature moderately aggressive but gets really aggressive when breeding which is why smaller fishes should not be kept together with salvini's at this time. Ideally they can be tank mates with Jack Dempsey or a Red Devil cichlid.

English: My salvini male (Cichlasoma salvini)
Salvini male (Cichlasoma salvini)
(Photo credit: 

These species are quite known to hobbyist because of its hardiness and vividly beautiful coloration. It exudes spectacular colors of yellow, black, red, and sometimes even blue. They thrive well showing its stunning colors especially when kept with South American Cichlids of equal size and temperament.

What to feed the Salvini?
Feeding them is effortless because it will grab any type of foods given to them. They eat foods like flakes and pellets, or live foods, and frozen foods too. Always remember to add vegetables such as lettuce or zucchini in its meal every now and then to keep diet balance.

What are the preferable aquarium conditions for Salvini Fish?
A 50 gallon aquarium for a pair of salvini is adequate enough. Fill in water with a pH value between 6 and 8, a dH of 8 - 15, and a temperature of 70 - 84 degrees Fahrenheit. A constant water change of 25% - 30% is required at least once a week. The salvini aquarium water also needs a powerful filtration system. Moreover, salvini's tank should be decorated with lots of rocks, driftwood, and plants to provide them copious hiding places.

Live plants may be used in the tank since these species are not substrate digger or plant destroyers, actually it is said to be that salvini's color are enhanced deeply if kept in a well planted tank. Nevertheless, the salvini's should be kept in capacious aquarium. It is preferable to provide them a larger space for the cichlids to swim freely without the distraction of plants and other decorative items. Keep in mind that this variety is a bottom to mid swimmer fishes.

Salvini's are also an excellent parent to its babies thus the fry may be kept together with its parents as they grow. However, when kept in community tanks, the fry may be transferred to a new tank to avoid overcrowding.

Find out more on how to breed and care for the salvini cichlid's fry. Reading and understanding first the basic information about salvini's as well as the aquarium set-up and its water conditions gives hobbyist ideas on what are salvini cichlid fish and how to care for them. After which, they are ready to move on about how to go about breeding.

    By Lacey Bryant
    Lacey Bryant is a cichlid enthusiast and author, who has been caring for cichlids for over 15 years. She has been breeding Cichlids for years and it has become her passion to share her knowledge about their proper care.
    Article Source: EzineArticles



Cleaning your cichlid aquarium is a big job at the best of times. Even with the best mechanical filtration system in the world your aquarium water will become stale and this is why every week you should replace at least 25% of the water with fresh. I am lucky enough just to be able to use tap water which I treat with a product called Aquasafe. This treats the metals found in tap water and makes it safe for the fish. Depending on the type of fish you have you may need to add a little aquarium salt to the fresh water.

Herichthys cyanoguttatum (Rio Grande cichlid, ...
Herichthys cyanoguttatum
(Photo credit: 
Using a siphon you should remove the waste water to a large bucket. For best results the bell end of the siphon should be dragged backwards through the gravel to suck up any waste debris lying on the surface. This will help to clean the gravel and remove uneaten food from the aquarium. This water should be then used to wash any items from inside the aquarium, such as rocks, caves, plastic plants etc. To wash these items in fresh running water would destroy the friendly bacteria and effectively require the aquarium to cycle again.

Each week the filter should also be cleaned. This is normally done by removing the filter media from inside the filter and rinsing it out in the old water you have just removed from the tank. This allows you to remove fish waste from the filter media while not destroying the friendly bacteria needed to process that same waste. Sometime the very fine filter media will have to be replaced with new to maintain effectiveness. On my own 5ft cichlid aquarium I have used two external filters due to the amount of mess that the fish made. Although I cleaned the aquarium weekly I only cleaned one filter on each alternate week to minimise the bacterial disruption.

My own preference has always been for an Eheim Canister Filter. I have always been pleased with the performance and clarity of my aquarium water. An external canister filter is much easier to clean as you can disconnect it from your aquarium setup and remove it to a better location for cleaning. Internal filters on the other hand give rise to the opportunity of fish waste falling back inside the aquarium

The main tank glass should be also cleaned every week using a blade edged scraper or a plastic scourers. I find magnetic cleaners are more of a gimmick than any practical use so, yes, you have to get your hands wet. It is important to thoroughly clean the glass as any trace of algae will give it a foot hold and comeback quicker next time.

I should point out that algae on the aquarium glass is purely a presentation issue. It does not look nice but makes absolutely no difference to your fish. Some fish even like to graze on the algae but providing you are feeding them correctly they can manage without it.


Cichlids - Proper Care of Your CONVICT CICHLIDS

Keeping cichlids is an exciting hobby. For beginners, it is great to start off by keeping convict cichlid fishes and taking care of them is relatively easy. Convict cichlid fish is very easy to keep and breed in the aquarium. The Convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) is a type of fish from the family-Cichlidae, native to Central America. These popular aquarium cichlids are also known as the zebra cichlid.

An Amatitlania nigrofasciatus male.
An Amatitlania nigrofasciatus male.
(Photo credit: 
Convict cichlid fish is a hardy species that can easily adapt to almost any water conditions which made them easy to maintain and breed in aquariums. The aquarium for Convict cichlids should be decorated with a few flat stones and rocks and artificial caves for breeding. Plants are not necessary because of most of the plants will be destroyed by the cichlids.

However, if you really want to put some plants, it is better to put some hardier plants such as Amazonian swords plant and java fern to withstand their aggression. Using these plants, it can help to beautify the aquarium and make the cichlids feel more at home. In fact, as long as you avoid putting harmful toxic objects in your aquarium decoration, your fish will make themselves at home.

They accept a very wide temperature range and pH level range as long as it keep relatively stable but is best kept in 20-28C/ 68-82F and pH 6-8. Convict cichlids are unfussy omnivore and eat most types of prepare fish foods such as flake food and pellets. They also eat aquarium plants. By nature, Convict cichlids are aggressive towards other fish. This is more obvious during their breeding period. It is best to keep Convict cichlids in a separate tank for breeding.

In fact, Convict cichlids are one of the easiest fish in the world to breed. They can start spawning as young as 16 weeks of age. It is common to find a pair of Convict cichlids under a flat stone which the male Convict cichlid could have dug a cave under it earlier and they breed there.

Both cichlids parents will guard both the eggs and the fry. As good and protective parents, they can become very aggressive towards other fish that enters their breeding territory. The fry can be feed crushed flake food and newly hatched brine shrimp.

Because of its relativity small size along with ease for keeping and breeding, Convict cichlid fish is a great cichlid for beginners and aquarists who are interested in observing paid bonding and brood care.
In conclusion, keeping and breeding cichlids is a very satisfying and challenging hobby. Thus, it is very important that you know the secrets of taking care of your cichlids.


CICHLID Aquarium Setup - Our Top Five Tips

Cichlids are beautiful fish and I applaud your decision to set up a cichlid tank. Before you start I would like to ease the way by covering several points you may not have considered. This is a big job and it is very difficult to rectify afterwards as once the tank is full of water it will be nearly impossible to move.

The first consideration is the location. Is your planned location big enough to accommodate your size of tank and have enough space to allow filter tubes and lighting cable to run down behind the tank stand? From time to time you will need access to these things and if you cannot reach it will make life difficult. You need to allow sufficient working space. Direct sunlight is the next major consideration. If the tank is in the glare of direct sunlight algae with grow like wildfire on the inside of the glass, on rocks, driftwood and plants. This can be reduced by various water treatments but it is not ideal. It would also make cleaning your aquarium a lot more work than it needs to be as well as spoiling the overall presentation of your fish.

male altispinosa dwarf cichlid
Male altispinosa dwarf cichlid by Ãºlfhams_víkingur

If at all possible you should avoid placing you tank against a cold external wall. A Cichlid tank by definition is filled with warm water. If you have something cooling the water down your heaters will have to work overtime to maintain the correct temperature for your fish. This will also raise your electricity bill enormously. People rushing past your tank will startle your fish and cause them undue stress. Accidental knocks and bangs on the tank will also upset your fish in addition to the likelihood of damage caused to the glass which would be a major disaster. Therefore a quieter location would be preferred by all, especially your fish.

Finally, please give some thought to cleaning time. You will need to transport large quantities of waste water away from the tank. Do you have a clear route to the garden? The water can be used to water flower beds and potted plants rather than being flushed into the sewer system. You do not want trip hazards while you are carrying a bucket of used fish water. It will not be good for the carpet, believe me. Been there - done that.

I hope that I have opened your eyes to a few other considerations other than 'It will look nice there' when it comes to setting up a cichlid fish tank. Of course you want it to look nice, but without further complications down the line. I also fully appreciate that you might not be able to satisfy all the points listed above so you will have to judge each point on your own circumstances and make your own decision.

    If I were to choose just one point above all others it would be to avoid the sunlight. Not only is it bad for your tank, you won't see a thing with the sunlight reflecting off the glass and that's not why you set up a Cichlid Aquarium in the first place.

    Article Directory: EzineArticles


APISTOGRAMA, Dwarf Cichlids in the Aquarium

The real apistogramma's come from southern America, they all have the same characteristics, like a complex breeding behavior, as their large relatives, only their size is different. Besides the apistogramma group there are also some relatively popular dwarf cichlids from Africa, like the Pelvicachromis group. From this group the most widespread cichlid is the Pelvicachromis pulcher, also known as the Kribensis or Purple cichlid.

Apistogramma hongsloi
Flickr Photo by Britzke

Generally the cichlids from the apistogramma group are more fragile and harder to maintain, and breed, for a longer period of time. In my opinion apistogramma's are not real beginner species. They are more likely to get diseases if not all the environmental variables are properly taken care of. They need soft and acidic water with a low PH value, a PH of 5.5 to 6 is preferable. They hardly eat dry foods, best is to feed them live foods or frozen food, like bloodworms, brine shrimp and mosquito larvae. Apistogramma species can be kept in a large tropical community aquarium, but be sure the other fish are not too small, they can defend their territory very fiercely, and can be quite aggressive when they are breeding. In my opinion it is best to keep the apistogramma's on their own, in a larger aquarium you could combine two apistogramma variants together, maybe supplemented with a small group of other fish, like some livebearers or betta's. They also can be kept together with discus or angel fish. I always have a harem of apisto's in my discus tanks, just to populate the lower areas of the aquarium and I really like these small dwarfs with a big attitude.

The cichlids from the Pelvicachromis group are much more tolerant when it comes to water values and feeding, I do consider these cichlids a good beginner species. They are hardened, beautiful colored and eat almost anything. The Pelvicachromis pulcher is maybe one of the most easy to breed cichlids as well. If you have an adult couple they will reproduce, in a community tank, a special species tank or in a pond, some people like to breed them in their pond during summer.

Actually some of the biggest and nicest colored Pelvicachromis pulcher were pond bred and raised. The only thing to keep in mind with these cichlids is that they are capable of redesigning your aquarium, they can make huge holes and are real little bulldozers. So if you have, or want to setup, a subtile planted tank, don't add a couple of Pelvicachromis to your aquarium.

The last dwarf cichlid I want to mention is the Microgeophagus ramirezi, or Ram cichlid. Their behavior and care are roughly the same as the apistogramma's but they are more tolerant when it comes to water values, and in my experience they are easier to keep in good condition. Unlike the apistos they have to be kept as a couple, not a harem but that's the only breeding experience I have. I have tried several couples, have a couple in a breeding tank right now, but I have never even had a clutch of eggs. I know from other breeders that they are kind of hard to get going, but if they do they never stop.

    By Auke Veenstra
    Auke Veenstra is keeping and breeding tropical aquarium fish, and dendrobatea, for years. He shares his experiences on the TinkerFish website.
    Tropical aquarium fish []

    Article Source: EzineArticles


Understanding DISCUS FISH - Most Important Things

Understanding discus fish and their environment is vital to starting in this interesting past-time. Discus fish are native to the Amazon Stream Basin in the lakes and streams surrounding it. They are from the cichlid family of fish, and like deep water. Because of this, you would like to get about the biggest aquarium that you are able to afford to get and still be ready to slot in your place.

Discus Fish
Flickr Photo by ozz13x

Discus fish are quite social creatures and like to travel in colonies of at least 6. This makes them more assured with their group and may be less susceptible to misbehaving. This is also a way to determine if you can get some of them to partner up and then you will get into breeding and having them mate.

It is very rewarding to end up in possession of some tiny fish for your tank. Understanding discus fish and knowing that they are grazers naturally meaning that in natural settings they will virtually consistently seek food, so be happy to feed your fish a number of times during the day. Try and keep from over feeding though. One of the guidelines is to not feed them more than five times each day and make the amount such that it's about 3 to 5 percent of their body weight.

Discus fish are subject to a selection of sicknesses with the main problem being that of parasitic worms. You can monitor the healthiness of them by observing their feces and behaviour. Clear or white feces will be a hint that they're unwell and need attention. Behaviorally, if their skin becomes a darker color, or if they hide a lot or go on food strikes, this can be another pointer that your discus is unwell.

Only $ 9.99

The color of your fish can be manipulated through the food that it is fed and through hormones also. Some of food out there that publicize this feature will keep your fish's colours bright for ages however without some certain nutrient elements in their diet, their colours can fade over a period of time.

The discus fish is named such due to the flat shape of their bodies. They're so wanted due to their stunning markings and their usually social nature. Their water is their world and one of the most vital things that you can do to make certain your discus are satisfied and healthy is to keep the water as clean and pure as you can. Unclean water is going to be one of the most important things which will make your discus fish stressed and unwell.

Understanding discus fish will help you make an ecstatic discus colony and supply you with years of joy and viewing pleasure. Try the pointers that you have been given here and you may do just fine looking after these dazzling creatures.

    Evelyn Stone is a discus fish expert.
    Article Directory: EzineArticles


Can You Buy Discus Fish Online?

Discus fish are available to buy online, if you decide to get your discus fish online then you must make sure that you know everything that there is to know about discus fish and taking care of them before your order any discus fish online.

There are many fish owners who consider discus fish to be quite difficult to look after and they are not often recommended to inexperienced aquarists. Although discus fish are not particularly difficult to manage, they can often become susceptible to stress borne disease and can die if they are not kept in optimal conditions. Ammonia cause from fish waste and bad water temperatures are the main threats to the discus immune system, in their natural habitat they live in distilled water and the chemicals which are more often than not added to the municipal water supply can harm the fish. Many discus fish owners choose to change water using RO water, however if you do use RO water you must be sure to add minerals back into the water that it takes out.

Discus Fish - Photo by basheertome 

Before you buy your discus fish online you should make sure that:

1  You have a tank large enough to contain your discus fish- 20 to 27 gallon tanks should be sufficient for your discus fish

2  Do your homework- make sure that you have read through discus fish care books that you know how to take care of them, what they eat, the water pH, temperature, breeding- there is a lot to know before you get started.

3  Make sure that you have all of the equipment that you need to keep discus fish- filters, food, ornaments for the fish to hide behind etc.

4  Make sure that you have a safe and quite place to keep your discus fish tank

Once you have considered all of the facts about discus fish, then you are ready to buy your discus fish online! But where can you find discus fish online? There are dozens of websites which offer links to stores where you can order discus fish- these vary in prices and shipping charges to you might want to do a little bit of research before you settle for your buyer.

You should take into consideration; cost of fish, cost of shipping, shipping time and you should also consider whether or not you can trust the website to deliver your discus fish safely and in a healthy condition. If you want to find more information on where you can buy discus fish online, then do a quick internet search to find out everything that you need to know.



If you have Cichlids in your fish aquarium, can you imagine how frustrating it can be to know you have a pair of these clever fish spawning but you can never get around to actually seeing them do it? Such is often the case with Dwarf Cichlids who are quite secretive spawners. Many spawn in rocky caves, often upside down on the ceiling, just to be different.

Pelvicachromis pulcher, adult male
Pelvicachromis pulcher, adult male (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Kribensis, Pelvicachromis pulcher, is a modest-sized Cichlid from West Africa. The male has a spade-shaped caudal fin whilst the female's main claim to fame is her purple coloration which intensifies at breeding time.

These fish will certainly spawn in the community aquarium and are stout defenders of both their spawning site and subsequent fry. It is not unusual for them to 'disappear' for a disconcerting period of time only to eventually reappear with a couple of dozen youngsters in tow. However it is obviously best to set up a separate breeding tank for them.

Again a planted tank is recommended with the added furnishing of a flowerpot laid on its side on the substrate. You should enlarge the drainage hole in the bottom to allow the fish to enter and exit the pot from that end should they prefer to. Alternatively, short pieces of plastic pipe may also make potential spawning sites.

As with other Cichlids, a pair of Kribensis will normally pair off spontaneously should you have a number of them grown up from young in your collection. You could also buy a pair from your dealer, using the sex identification guide, but there is no guarantee that they will turn into a compatible pair bent on producing a family for you.

Once decided on a lady of his choice, the male fish will display in front of her with many turnings and U-shape bendings of his body. At this time too, his colors will be intensified.
They will disappear into the flowerpot or pipe to clean a spawning site on which eggs are laid by the female and fertilized by the male.

When the fry emerge from their hatching period and are free-swimming, the female's colors again intensify possibly to facilitate fry-adult communication. Her belly turns a deep rich purple whilst her fins take on a sooty black appearance, especially the pelvic fins which she continually flicks as if signalling to the fry.

Again, the parents will herd the young and protect them against any possible threat.

Raising the fry to young fish follows the normal feeding patterns and the fry grow quickly.

It is often the case that there is a predominance of one sex or another in the brood of youngsters. 

Reports suggest that this state of affairs can be altered (perhaps producing too many of the other sex next time?) by tinkering with the water chemistry, i.e., raising or lowering the pH from what is was before. Caution must be exercised when altering the water chemistry; at the very least you might put off the parents' willingness to breed - even though you wouldn't be able to see them doing it.



Highly prized by many hobbyists, Apistogramma is a genus of as many as 250 identified species of fish from the family Cichlidae distributed in the tropical areas of South America's small streams, oxbow lakes, Amazon basin and Venezuela. Most species are strongly sexually dimorphic, with males generally larger (up to 9 cm) in its small adult size and dramatically more coloured to the females. Male Apistogramma has elaborate or extended fins while the female Apistogramma generally has gray to brown colour.

Umbrella cichlid, Apistogramma hongsloi
Umbrella cichlid, Apistogramma hongsloi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

All Apistogramma species are micropredators, with their main diet consisting of insect larvae, fish fry and other invertebrates. Live foods such as Brine Shrimp , Cyclops , Daphnia , Bloodworms , mosquito larvae, Tubifex can be fed. They may also accept flakes.

Apistogramma are quite peaceful, popular aquarium residents, making them ideal for inclusion in any community or planted aquariums with plenty of cover such as plants and driftwood. Apistogramma thrives in soft acidic water in its original habitat and are very sensitive to changes in the water chemistry. Recommended values for the water are a pH value range between 5.5-6.8, a water hardness from 0-8 dH, and a temperature from 75-84°F (24-29°C). Peat filtration will help in improving the water chemistry. Dim lighting or partial cover of floating plants should be considered as these species thrive in shaded areas. In the home aquarium, there should be little water movement created by filter. The substrate bottom preferably should be a darker tone.

During breeding and brood care, the female Apistogramma will have a shade of yellow colour. As in most Cichlidae, brood care is highly developed where all Apistogramma species spawn under rocks, in caves, or in holes in branches or sunken logs. A number of breeding strategies exist. Some species breed in polygynous harems, while other species form monogamous pairs. 

In most instances, the female is usually more highly involved with brood care, while the male defends the surrounding territory against predators. Development of the sex of the fry is largely affected by the water conditions, with warmer and softer water favoring more males to females. The eggs usually hatch in 2-5 days and the young will be free-swimming about 4-6 days later. The delicate fry can be raised on small Daphnia , Artemia nauplii, and roftiers.



Numerous do have problems when viewing the cichlid fish type that they are facing. This is generally as we are presented with many probable species which offer various temperaments and look. Even feeding habits could be varied. Also, a bunch of fish stores are providing details which is erroneous and because of this all is challenging to comprehend appropriately.

English: Etroplus Maculatus collected from Bha...
Etroplus Maculatus collected from Bharathapuzha River in Palakkad District of Kerala (
Photo credit: 
Even if at times it can be extremely difficult to see what sort of cichlid fish you're checking out we do have to mention various details which you must bear in mind. Now we ought to evaluate all that we can expect.

Cichlid fish groups must be made according to how people are considering them. A scientific analysis is a bad approach and the correct one is thinking about this fish as a hobby fish. The categories as well as classification below is as well according to looks and can assist you a lot to identify the fish. Additional information can always be found if you roughly know what you may be in front. With this thought we could say that there are four principal types of cichlid fish: Asian, Madagascar, African and Neotropical.

If you wish to correctly identify a cichlid fish it must be first put into among the groups. Madagascar cichlids are actually rare and you most likely never see them in any grocery store. Most Asian cichlids are oddball fish. Sri Lanka and India display 3 major Etroplus genus species. Etropus maculates is absolutely the one which is truly common and is commonly known as orange chromide. Its dimensions are small and can simply breed without a problem. We also have Etroplus canarensis, that is the rarest possible combined with the green chromide.

Even though you can find roughly about one thousand five hundred species we can still mention several guidelines which can demonstrate you what you're dealing with. Regrettably a number of species can only be identified when you do a good Internet or book investigation. There are five main forms of neotropical cichlids: cichlasoma-like cichlids, pike cichlids, apistogramma-like cichlids as well as eatheater cichlids. The main African cichlid forms are Lake Malawi cichlids, Lake Victor cichlids, Lake Tanganyikan cichilds, West African dwarg cichlids among others.