Showing posts with label shrimp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shrimp. Show all posts



Peacock Mantis Shrimp

The Mantis Shrimp is also called the stomatopod. They are actually not mantids nor shrimp, but they do resemble both those animals. They usually may reach about a foot in length, although unusual specimens have been noted that were a bit longer.

The carapace of a mantis shrimp makes a cover for the head’s back side. They may appear in different colors, from brownish to neon. They are commonly seen in the animal world, and they are among the more important of the predators in the habitats they live in. They can be found in shallow water in sub-tropical and tropical areas.

These animals were dubbed “sea locusts” by the Assyrians of ancient times, and in Australia, they are known as “prawn killers”. They have powerful claws, and these can be used to lure, attack, and then kill their prey by stunning, spearing or dismemberment. The breed is sometimes thought to be only a legend, due to rare sightings in some areas. These are made up for by areas with many sightings, however.

The mantis shrimp spends its life in a solitary manner but can be aggressive. They can often be found hiding in formations of rock, or burrowing passageways into the sand. They sometimes wait for their prey, as typical crustaceans do, but they are also able to hunt down their prey. They don’t often leave their holes except to eat or relocate.

There are about 400 species of the mantis shrimp, and they are usually split into two groups, by the functions of their claws. The Squilla mantis has a spearing appendage, and they have little appendages with tips that are barbed, which they use to snag and then stab their prey. The smashing types possess a more clublike claw which they can utilize to break their meals into more easily manageable pieces.

Both types of mantis shrimp strike out at their prey by unfolding and then swinging their claws, and they can inflict damage on their prey even if the prey is bigger than they are. Smashers attack rock oysters, mollusks, crabs and snails, and their clubs allow them to crack their preys’ shells. Spearers often go for the meat that is not hard to get to, like fish.

Mantis shrimp live long lives, and they can exhibit behavior considered complex, like ritualized fighting. They can remember neighbors well, and they will defend their own areas from rival species.

These mantids may breed as many as twenty or thirty times in their lifetime. The eggs are kept in burrows or carried beneath the female’s tail, emerging when they hatch. In some sub-species, the female and male are together only for mating, while in others, they mate for life.

By Jenny Styles

Article Source: EzineArticles


Types of Freshwater Aquarium SHRIMP

There are many types of freshwater aquarium shrimp. Some are well suited to life in captivity in a shrimp aquarium and some are not as they will die out once held in captivity. For the most part, though, it is fairly hardy and do well with minimal care. We will look at several different shrimp in this article.

Cleaner shrimp Deutsch: Kardinals-Putzergarnele
Cleaner shrimp
(Photo credit: 

Firstly, the Red Cherry Shrimp. As you might suspect, the name comes from it red coloring. However, the red color in the shrimp is not widespread when you first get them until they get comfortable in their new surroundings. The female of this species is a darker red than the male. Both male and female can withstand water temperatures that vary.

The Bee Shrimp. The Bee Shrimp is so named because of the stripes along the outer shell that resemble the stripes on a bee. This shrimp eats either fish food or algae. If you want to breed shrimp, the Bee Shrimp is an easy one to breed but it will not thrive in water temperatures that get too hot.

Third on the list is the Tiger Shrimp which has jagged stripes like a tiger. It will also eat fish food or algae. For breeders, know that this shrimp will cross breed so if you want to keep your shrimp pure to their original coloring and species, then do not put them together in the same tank.

The Green Shrimp cannot tolerate water that's too hard. It belongs to the Indian Dwarf family of shrimp and when upset or unhealthy, it green color won't be the same. That's usually a sign that something is either disturbing the shrimp or it needs to be investigated for disease.

An interesting shrimp for most hobbyists is the Snowball Shrimp. Many assume because the shrimp has a pale color that is where the name came from. But it is called Snowball because the eggs look like snowballs. You can see the eggs through it body. It is sturdy and breeds easily.

The Malaya Shrimp is a rare shrimp that can thrive in ordinary tap water that is been treated for the chlorine that is dangerous to shrimp. Unlike some in the species, it will not interbreed. The unique Ninja Shrimp is a color changing mainly found in Japan. It has a high tolerance for a variety of water temperatures.

One of the rarest shrimps is nicknamed the Vampire Shrimp. The scientific name for this shrimp is Atya Gabonensis. It is a large shrimp given the nickname because the front legs resemble fangs.

The Yellow Nose Shrimp is a transparent shrimp with a long nose that can appear orange under some lighting. Before you set up your shrimp aquarium, make sure you study exactly what kind of water temperature and food your species will need to thrive.

    By Brian Huat Wong

    Brian Wong is a freshwater fish enthusiast, and enjoys helping others get started in this amazing hobby.
    Article Source: EzineArticles


Sexy Shrimp and Pistol Shrimp For NANO AQUARIUMS

Nano aquariums do have quite a following within the marine aquarium hobby for a number of reasons. Some people find them challenging as such small aquariums are usually tricky when it comes to stability. Others just don't have the space or don't want the hassle of a large aquarium. The definition of what a nano tank actually is seems to vary from person to person. In the interest of defining the size of the tank, let us just assume a nano is any aquarium within 5 to 20 gallons.

Cryptocentrus cinctus and Alpheus bellulus
Cryptocentrus cinctus and Alpheus bellulus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On the whole, nano aquariums do have the advantage of being much cheaper to run and maintain compared larger aquariums. This is not to say they cannot cost a whole lot as there many top brand equipment one can buy for a nano that will run into the hundreds of dollars. With confined space, comes very limited types of shrimp and fishes one can keep. There are a number of species well suited for life in such cramped quarters.

Sexy Shrimp
The tiny Sexy Shrimp (Thor Amboinensis) is perfectly suited for aquarium as small as 5 gallons. They only reach a total length of about three quarters of an inch and are absolutely tiny. They can be kept in groups and are a joy to watch as they roam around the tank grazing. They have been known to consume some corals so always keep them well fed to avoid this kind of behavior.

Pistol Shrimp Goby Pairs
Pistol shrimp and their symbiotic gobies can be housed in aquariums between ten and 20 gallons. It is wiser to go for smaller pistol shrimp like the Randalls pistol shrimp as this species normally obtains lengths of maybe an inch. Likewise, go for smaller types of gobies such as the high-fin gobies or Yasha gobies.

Either way, choosing a Sexy Shrimp or a Pistol Shrimp are pretty good choices but it is important to remember not to mix these two in the same nano tank.

Pistol shrimp can pack quite a punch for their size and may be a danger to sexy shrimp should the little shrimp ever wander too close to the burrow of the pistol shrimp.