Showing posts with label Neon Tetra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neon Tetra. Show all posts



Neon Tetra Photo: Wikipedia
Cardinal tetras are beautiful fish because of their bright red color. They are very popular among the fish keepers. However, their cousins Neon tetras have shiny neon blue color and they are also attractive. So sometimes it becomes difficult for the fish-keepers to make a choice between them.

Neon tetras are inexpensive and sturdy fish ideal for beginners. As they have a good temperament, they fit well in a community aquarium. They can grow only up to 1 inch and they do not have any eating habits.

Cardinal tetras will grow up to 2 inches and they are expensive because their breeding in captivity is very difficult. They need to be imported from the South American region.

Paracheirodon cardinalis.JPG
Cardinal Tetra Photo: Wikipedia
As neon tetras are hardy fish, they can tolerate variations in the living conditions. If there is any major change in the temperature of the water or the ph level, they will try to cope up with that environment. Out of the whole family of tetra fish, neon tetras are the toughest. On the other hand, cardinal tetras are very sensitive to the conditions of water and a slight change in the conditions of water may affect them in a big way.

Both cardinal tetras and neon tetras are schooling fish and the need to live in a group. When you decide to keep any of them, you should buy a group of at least 10. If they are kept alone, they will get stressed and will get sick and may die.

Both these species can eat any type of food offered to them. They love to eat live food but at the same time, they can eat boiled vegetables and flaked food. Both of them can eat small insects and worm which are present in the water.

However, both of these species love to remain in the middle level of the aquarium. So when you decide to keep both of them in one tank, there will be problems. Even though your aquarium is large, if both of them want to occupy the middle area, there will be territorial problems. In addition, there will be problems during the breeding periods of neon tetras. Their eggs may be eaten by cardinal tetras. So it is better to keep only one of them in the aquarium.

It is a difficult decision to make. However, here are a few guidelines for you:

1. If your budget is limited, cardinal tetras will be expensive for you. So you should go for neon tetras.
2. If you are a beginner, it will be very difficult for you to keep ideal conditions of water in the aquarium all the time. Even a slight variation in the conditions may hurt cardinal tetras. So you may select neon tetras to start with. Later you can think of keeping cardinal tetras.
3. However, if you have some experience in fish-keeping, and you want to show off your aquarium to your family and visitors, you can select cardinal tetras. Their beautiful bright red color will shine against appropriate background of substrate and decorations.

It is difficult to breed neon tetra is in captivity but it is almost impossible for the experienced breeders to try for cardinal tetras. Considering their huge demand, some experienced breeders may try to sell you something which they will label as neon tetras or cardinal tetras. The fish will be cheaper but may not show their bright colors and they may look dull and inactive. Most of the times, they may die soon after bringing home. So you should be careful while purchasing any of them. You should speak in details to the staff of the pet fish store and if possible consult your friends before you buy.

    Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding goldfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way.
    Article Source: EzineArticles


NEON TETRA - Paracheirodon innesi

Neon Tetra - Paracheirodon innesi



peace with my buddies
Photo  by Leino88 
Freshwater fish holding would be lamentably poor without the brightly colorized beautiful Neon tetras. Small green, profane or crimson fish swimming in freshwater tanks would most probably be the ever-popular Ne tetras. These fish are naturally found out in the lakes in South America or East Peru.

Ne tetras are hence popular among aquarists because they are hardy fish. They are peaceful fish and seldom nip at each other or any other fish in a community cooler. However, atomic number 10 tetras are schooling fish and these fish are happiest if they are in a schoolhouse or in a group of 5 or more. Schools or groupings make the fish experience really good. Atomic number 10s are likewise very active fish and they flit about a lot in the tank. This is a joyousness to check.

Ne tetras can dwell for rattling long periods if they are given proper care. 10 years is a potential lifespan of the shipshape Ne tetra. Neons unremarkably reside the middle or bottom levels of a storage tank and can grow up to 4 atomic number 96s. in length. The ph scale of the water should ideally be between 5.5 and 7.8. Their favorite water temperature is within the reach of 68 levels F to 75 levels F. The fish are generally spindle-shaped. The belly area is a bit lashed out especially among the female persons. The nose is blunt. A wide violent band runs down the body of the Ne tetra and extends up o the Caudal fin. A grim band that runs from the upper portion of the center premises this. The side above this is olive green while the lower side is silvery. The anal fin is mostly transparent. This prominent collage of coloring materials, peculiarly the counterpointing reddened and green, stimulates the Ne tetra one of the most popular and colored fishes in the freshwater aquarium.

Dark substratum and curbed lighting is the most suited for neon tetras. Putting in sets of floras is besides very good for the timid and active atomic number 10s. Some driftwood is too advisable. The tetras should not be kept with bigger fish, or they will end up becoming tiffin. Since neon tetras are therefore democratic, they have found out to adapt themselves to a wide range of habitats. But, ferocious breeding of the tetras to issue adequate fish for the burgeoning demand for atomic number 10 tetras has led to the loss of their native robustness. New fish are very delicate and chances of losing fish just after they are introduced into a cooler are very high. Withal, erstwhile the Ne tetras have shown themselves, they get along quite an intimately without too much difficultness.

Neon tetras are ball scatterers. They are a bit unmanageable to breed in enslavement. This is by and large due to an unsuitable body of water experimental conditions. Eggs of the Ne tetras appear to be light sensitive, hence Ne tetras postulate to be placed in a dark berth, as they get ready to spawn. A 2 3 inch layer of rock and some fine rough textured live floras are the best medium for spawning. The water temperature should not be above 75 points F. A hat should be kept on the tank at such a time, as the fish be given to bound very high during this period. While breeding the nes, it is necessary to look for the healthiest breeders. Merely young fish should be used for breeding determinations.

They should be coursed some live solid foods especially 2 3 days before breeding. These breeders have to be gone away in a spawning medium for about a day. The testicles are usually liberated ahead of time in the morning. The ballocks are well-nigh transparent and scantily stick to the surface of plants. The eggs will incubate in about 22-30 minutes. The small fry is very hard to spot at once. But, as soon as they get free to swim in 3-4 days, they will be seen very clearly, though they are yet very small. The stockbreeders should be removed as soon as the ballocks are spotted. As soon as the tike is loose swimming they should be preyed with infusoria. Ne tetras that breed in incarceration are not very fertile. A good spawn would consist of about 40-55 tyke only.

    Author: Ad Brown - Articles Source: GoArticles 


Neon TETRA Facts

"NeonTetra" by Corpse89  Licensed via Wikimedia Commons.
Neon tetras or Paracheirodon innesi are members of the family Characidae. Characidae is commonly referred to as Characins. Neons are natives of southeastern Columbia, eastern Peru, and western Brazil, including the tributaries of Solimoes. They can be found in black water or clear water streams

Neons are an all-time favorite among freshwater aquarium owners. In any given mouth approximately 1.8 million neon tetras are exported to the US alone. Their petite size most certainly contributes to their popularity. They rarely exceed an inch and a quarter in length. You can keep an entire school of them in an aquarium no bigger than 5 gallons. They are the perfect choice for desktop nano tanks.

These dazzling little beauties will add brilliance and color to any aquarium. The iridescent blue horizontal stripe that runs just above their spines almost glows under aquarium lights. Just below the blue, a second bright red stripe runs from mid-body to the base of their tail. These radiant colors are transposed against a translucent body. Their fins are transparent. You can see right through them.

There is a slightly more colorful member of the tetra family. Neons and cardinal tetras look very similar in appearance. Put them in the same aquarium together and most people wouldn• t be aware they are two different species. Both have metallic neon blue upper bodies and a brilliant red stripe in the center of their bodies. This stripe is found mid-body running to back the tail in neons. The stripe runs the entire length of a cardinal• s body.

Neons are by nature a skittish species. They spook rather easily. They are also very small fish that could easily be perceived as a source of nutrition by larger species. They do however make excellent community fish if you take these factors into consideration. An abundance of plants and or rockwork will provide sufficient hiding place and help them feel confident in their new surroundings. Avoid keeping them with species that will grow large enough to ingest them. Following these simple rules will keep your neons healthy, happy and most importantly, alive!

Neons are mid-tank swimmers. They are shoaling fish. Shoaling fish do not cope well when isolated from other members of their own species. Many will not survive in solitude. It is advisable to have at least four neons in your aquarium. This will help to ensure that they adjust well to their new environment.

There is yet another factor to consider when deciding whether these fish are right for your particular aquarium. Tetras are notorious fin nippers. The more neons you have together, the higher the likelihood that this will become a problem. Long, flowing fins like those found on a betta fish or a fancy tailed guppy will most likely prove to be a taste treat tempting to pass up.

This is a hardy species. These omnivores have an extremely high survivability rate in captivity. They are not finicky eaters. A good quality flake food for omnivores is the perfect staple for their dietary needs. The average life expectancy of neon tetras in captivity is 5+ years.

The exportation of species for hobby fish trade began to boom shortly after World War II. Neon tetras were among the first species to be sold under the label, tropical fish. Their introduction to Europe and the US helped to fuel what is now the multi-million dollar aquarium trade industry. At one time these fish commanded an insanely high price tag. Commercial fish farms have since brought their price well within a range of the average aquarium enthusiast and made them one of the most popular fish in the world today.

      Author: Joey Haworth - Article Source: GoArticles      


Keeping NEON TETRA Fish As Pets

Neon Tetra fish (Paracheirodon innesi) are a very popular aquarium fish, especially amongst beginner fish keepers. It is estimated that each month, 1.5 million neon tetra fish are imported into the United States, mostly from Singapore, Hong Kong, or Thailand.

Neon tetra fish are a freshwater fish that originate from western Brazil, south east Columbia and eastern Peru. They are found in their natural environment in both blackwater and clearwater streams. They have bright colors and an iridescent stripe so they are visible in dark blackwaters.

peace with my buddies
Photo Flickr - Leino88 

Like other tetra species, the neon tetra has a blunt nose and a spindle shaped body. A glistening blue line runs along either the side of their body from the nose to the adipose fin. They also have a red stripe that runs from the center of the body to the base of the tail fin. The rest of the body is silver in color.

At night, when the fish is resting in shelter, the bright colors will be turned off and the fish will appear dim. This is normal. If however, the aquarium is lit and the fish are still dull after some time, they may be stressed or ill, or their diet is not correct.

Neon tetras are a schooling fish. They should be kept in groups of at least five, but preferably ten or more. If kept alone they will become stressed and spend the majority of their time hiding. They will grow to a maximum adult size of about an inch. They are a peaceful fish and can be kept in community fish tanks with other non-aggressive fish of roughly the same size. The neon tetra is probably the most robust of the tetra species when it comes to water conditions. They look very beautiful when combined with other species of tetra. It is not recommended to combine the neon tetra with any larger or more aggressive fish as they will most likely become prey.

As a general rule of thumb when choosing a fish tank for your fish, allow one gallon of water per inch of fish. So if you were going to keep ten neon tetras in your tank, you would need to select at least a ten gallon tank for your fish. An aquarium kit [] or aquarium starter kit is a great way to purchase everything you need to get started for a very reasonable price. The aquarium kit will often include a filter, water conditioner, fish tank and fish food at a minimum.

When setting up your tank for your new neon tetra, try to mimic their natural habitat. Your aquarium should have a dark colored gravel and dense planting, with plenty of hiding spots. Also allow an open space for swimming. Neon tetra fish are active when kept in a shoal, and will spend the majority of their time in the middle to lower levels of your tank. Adding a floating plant to your habitat will help to darken your aquarium which your fish will love.

Keep the water temperature in your tank to between 68 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH levels in the tank should be between 5.0 and 7.0, and the dH range 1-2. As with all fish species always gradually adjust your neon tetra fish to new conditions. Failing to do so can cause harm to your fish.
Neon tetra fish are not fussy eaters. Feeding them flake food, freeze dried food and frozen food is all acceptable. Vary their diet to prevent malnutrition. Use a variety of high quality tropical flake food and occasionally as treats brine shrimp, bloodworm and daphnia, as an example.

Groups of neon tetras are naturally very beautiful to watch in an aquarium owing to their bright, glistening colors. They are a great fish to keep as they are peaceful and can be more decorative than wall paintings and mesmerising than the television when kept in your living room!

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    Article Source: EzineArticles