
Coral REEFCare Tanks Aquarium

Specimen of Acanthastrea lordhowensis photogra...
Specimen of Acanthastrea lordhowensis
 (Photo credit: 
When shopping for fish, it might be tempting to pick the rare and fancy fish full of colors, and exotic looking shrimp or crustaceans. An aquarium full of marine life complete with a coral reef and aquatic plants is very appealing. After all, who wouldn't want to have an underwater paradise in their living room?  It may, not, however, be the best choice for a beginning hobbyist.

Coral reef aquariums require much more care than freshwater tanks or saltwater fish only tanks.  Freshwater fish are usually hardier than marine species and therefore a little more forgiving when it comes to water acclimation. It is recommended that only experienced fish keepers with a real commitment to the hobby attempt a coral reef aquarium.   A tank containing coral reef life may require several months of cycling before getting the water just right. The water in a coral reef tank must be regulated for lighting, temperature, and ph.  Start with tap water and then add a sea salt mix to the water.  This type of solution is available at most pet stores.

The salinity of the tank should be between 1.023 and 1.004.  The ideal temperature for a marine aquarium is between 75 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is also important to test the P.H. of the tank.  Ideal P.H. is somewhere between 8.3 and 8.4.  Test kits can be purchased online or at your local pet store.  The same store will also carry any solutions necessary to adjust the P. H. There is not much wiggle room when it comes to these specific starting points.  In order to avoid a costly mistake, it is important to be patient, watch the tank closely, and make sure that you don't introduce any marine life until the tank is absolutely ready.

Once the aquarium is ready, start with anemones and clownfish. They are the hardiest of reef species, and who wouldn't love to have Nemo swimming around in their living room?  Monitor the marine life closely.  Check the activity levels of the fish, and watch for stress.  Stress is the most common cause of sickness in fish.  Remember that these creatures may have come directly from the ocean, and it may take a while for them to get acclimated to their new home.  Another cause of stress in fish is overcrowding.  Make sure there allow about ten gallons of water per one inch of fish.  Account for the full grown size of the fish, not the size of fish when it is purchased.

The incubation period for most sickness in fish is about thirty days.  So after about a month, if all is well with the tank and the fish seem to be adjusting well, then it is okay to introduce some new marine life. A mandarin fish or a dwarf angelfish might round out the collection nicely, and they are fairly compatible clownfish.

Whenever adding new fish, choose the species carefully for compatibility.  The fish should be compatible with water specifics, but also make sure that their food source is compatible.  Always remember to be patient when adding new fish.  Give the existing tank members plenty of time to get adjusted before making additions to an aquarium. The best piece of advice is to do research.  Make sure that all new purchases will be suitable tank mates for the existing creatures.  With a little luck, and a lot of skill you will be on your way to having a reef aquarium that will impress any fishkeeper.


CRESTED GECKO - Correlophus ciliatus

Crested Gecko - Correlophus ciliatus - Picture: Flickr


Relax Watching the Unique Habit of KISSING GOURAMI in Your Aquarium

Kissing Gourami fish are also called Kisser fish. They are freshwater fish, originated from Thailand and Indonesia. In fact they are the food of people staying in that region.

Kissing Gouramis can be called typical Gourami fish because of their shape. Their body is compressed and elongated. Their fins are also large and elongated. It is very difficult to distinguish between a male and a female.

Helostoma temminkii in an aquarium.
Helostoma temminkii in an aquarium. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They can grow up to 12 inches in length. The unique feature of kissing Gouramis is their mouth. Their lips are thicker and they are lined with teeth.

They love to live in shallow waters which are slow moving. In their natural habitat, they live in a place which is heavily planted. They will eat algae and they will also eat most of the other plants in the water.

They can tolerate a wide variety of conditions. The temperature of water may be in the range of 75-85° F while the ph level may be in the range of 6.5 to 8.5.

Their name comes from their peculiar habit. When two males meet, they will face each other and press their mouth. Due to this action, they are called Kissing Gourami. Some fish keepers call them talking Gourami. These kisses are not harmful but sometimes because of continuous bullying they can develop stress and may even die.

However, experience has shown that as they grow older, their habit of challenging or combating with each other reduces and most of the time they start living peacefully with others.

Like most of the types of Gourami fish, they can come to the surface of the water and can gulp air directly from the atmosphere. This is possible because they have labyrinth organ. Naturally they can survive in the water having low levels of oxygen.

If you want to keep them, you should always plan for a large aquarium having capacity of 80 gallons of water or more. You should also provide some in edible plants as well as some artificial plants because they will try to eat every plant present in the aquarium!

Kissing Gouramis can take wide range of foods including live food well as flaked food and vegetables. You should also feed them with vegetables like spinach or lettuce and peas.

As it is hard to find out the sex of the fish, it is better to buy a group of about 8 to 10 and then allow them to pair up. They will not build any nest but they can spawn a large number of eggs. Normally they will lay up to 12,000 eggs per spawning. These eggs will float on the surface of the water and they will stick to the available surface like plant leaves or plant stems. Some experienced fish-keepers put a leaf of lettuce in the tank which will float and the eggs will be attached to it. After some time, it will also develop fungus which will be used by the fry as their food.

While arranging substrate for the aquarium, you should use large gravel and stones because the fish will try to dig the substrate most of the times as a habit.

In short, if you can provide a big tank with a huge surface area, plenty of plants, reasonably warm water and a compatible combination of species in the aquarium, you can entertain your family members and your guests with the unusual habit of Kissing Gouramis.

    By Chintamani Abhyankar
    Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding goldfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way.

    Article Source: EzineArticles


ROSY BARB, Puntius conchonius, Barbus conchonius

The Rosy Barb Puntius conchonius (previously Barbus conchonius ) is one of the most beautiful of the freshwater fish. They have a silvery or coppery pink color with a green cast along the back, and the males will have more pink on their underbellies. They are hardy, undemanding, and fun to watch because they are constantly on the move. These qualities make them one of the most desirable starter fish.

Rosy barb
An image of Puntius conchonius (Rosy Barb, Prachtbarbe, Praktbarb) (Photo: Wikipedia)

The color of these fish is always attractive but it most impressive when they are spawning. The males silvery color intensifies to a deep rosy red or a purplish red, and the fins get pink and black. Though usually referred to as a Rosy Barb, another common name they are known by is the Red Barb. They have also been developed in several ornamental varieties. Some of these include the Neon Rosy Barb, Long Fin Rosy Barb, Red Glass Rosy Barb, and Gold Neon Rosy Barb.

These barbs are a delightful choice for a beginning fish keeper but will make a dynamic display in any aquarists tank. They are peaceful and will do well in a community aquarium, with only an occasional nip on a tankmates fins. They do prefer cooler water than much other tropical fish, needing temperatures between 64-72° F (18-22° C). Be sure to select tankmates that will also thrive in a cooler tank.

Depending on the region they are from these fish vary some in appearance and size. They are one of the larger barb species so do need at least a 20-gallon tank. In the wild, they can reach lengths of up to 6 inches (15 cm). In the aquarium, however, it is more common for them to only reach about 4 inches (10 cm). Not only are they very active, they are great jumpers, so the aquarium needs to be covered.

When kept in a school, the males display an interesting behavior. They will continually swim around each other with their fins spread out, showing off their best colors. These fish are very prolific breeders but they will need a breeding tank with shallow water. They will happily spawn in water that is just a couple of inches deep.

The Rosy Barb has a torpedo shaped body and its tail is forked. It has only one dorsal fin. Lacking an adipose fin, a second dorsal fin to the rear of the first is a characteristic of all the Cyprinid fishes. This is a good sized fish reaching a length of up to 6 inches (15 cm) in the wild, though they generally only reach about 4 inches (10 cm) in the aquarium. They are mature at 2.5 inches (6 cm) and have an average lifespan of about 5 years.

The general coloration is silvery or coppery pink body with somewhat of a greenish cast along the back. Males are a more reddish color, especially on the underbelly and sides. There is a black spot just in front of caudal peduncle, and there may be some black along the top margins of the anal and dorsal fins. These fish will vary some in appearance and size, depending on the region they are from.

Size of fish – inches: 5.9 inches (15.01 cm) – In the wild, these fish can reach up to 6 inches (15 cm), but in captivity, they generally only get about 4 inches (10 cm).

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Do Not Get Confused With the Complicated Names of KILLIFISH Species

Many killifish species are assigned with complicated names as compared to the other species of pet fish. Sometimes their names consist of two or three words and a number. If you are not an experienced fish-keeper and you visit a pet fish store, you will be confused with the long names and numbers. But remember, there is a logic behind their names.

Let us take an example of ‘Baira 98′. You may not be able to understand anything by reading this name. However if you just inquire with the pet shop staff, you will find the rationale behind it. Baira is the name of the village in Africa from which this fish was discovered and the number 98 represents the year in which it was found. So the fish was found in 1998 in that village.

Sometimes there is no number assigned. In that case, it indicates that the fish might have been found in many places in the world and no specific year can be attached to it. So if you find a name ‘Northobranchius rachovii’, it will mean that the fish does not have any specific place or year to relate.

However, things are not that easy all the time. Sometimes the species is known with different names. Let us take the name of Northobranchius andersonius. When the famous explorer Anderson visited Africa in 1915, he had seen the species and he gave this scientific name. However, some other explorer went to the same place in 1920 and when he found the same species, he named it as ‘Northobranchius victorii’. The reason behind such remaining was the memory of his wife Victoria. Now the same species is known with two different names!

Nothobranchius rachovii male.jpg

"Nothobranchius rachovii male" by Andreas Wretström, 2003.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is one more reason for the change of name. There is one system called taxonomy under which all species can be placed. As we explore new things, the mistakes in the previous names are revealed. The testing of DNA may suggest that the fish which was named Northobranchius is not belonging to those specific genera. However, it is belonging to some other genus from Africa. In that case, the name is changed but the old name will still remain on the records and it will continue. In fact it may continue for years unless someone takes it up as a campaign to change it to the correct genre.

For all these reasons, in the fish-keeping community, it is common to use the popular names or common names instead of scientific names. For example, Pseudepiplatys annulatus is called clown killifish and it is famous with the common name itself. In the same way, Aphyosemion cinnamomeum is called Cinnamon killifish and Aphyosemion austral is called Lyretail killifish.

Do not nervous by scientific names. Just ignore them and get familiar with the common names. Life will be easier that way!

Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding goldfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way. Article Source: EzineArticles


GOLDFISH Care - What a Wonderful Way to Teach Children

Life is fast-paced. It is nice to actually stop and 'smell the roses' as the old saying goes. So busy rushing the children off to school, off to work, after-school activities, soccer, dancing, piano lessons homework, dinner, bath, bed. Does that routine sound familiar?

Many of us are living a whirlwind with no time to just stop for a moment, take stock and look at what is really wonderful in this world. I've found a little time spent relaxing, sitting together with the children, just watching our goldfish each day rewarding.

The goldfish market at Mongkok
The goldfish market at Mongkok
(Photo credit: 

I want the children to grow up understanding commitment. Trends and fads can easily take over every part of our lives, from the groceries we buy, the clothes we wear to the home we live in. The term 'disposable society' creeps into our vocabulary all too frequently.

Our young children have the job of feeding our goldfish. The feeding ritual itself is a lesson for children. Not only the commitment to feeding the fish daily, but they learn that variety is important to the health of the fish. Even goldfish need their fruit and vegetables. A little zucchini and peas help to keep their bodies healthy, just like ours. Reinforcing the message of the importance of good nutrition.

They help with the weekly task of cleaning the fish tank. Being diligent with aquarium care and keeping the tank clean is vitally important to the health of the fish.

I love the deeper lessons our children are learning from taking care of their fish. Unlike cats & dogs these pets can't go to the door when they need to go outside or want to go for a walk. Goldfish are completely reliant on our diligence for their needs. If we let them down we possibly cut their lives short. Their lives are completely dependent on our care.

The great thing about goldfish is that they are relatively hardy, particularly the comet breed. These fish are very lively and add great color to the tank. The tails of the comet are 3/4 the length of the body of the fish and so look magnificent when added to an aquarium.

Overcoming society's 'disposable' attitude can be difficult. Children are conditioned from a very early age to 'throw away' things that are used, or imperfect.

All too often a goldfish meets an untimely end and is disposed of down the toilet. With diligence, attention and a little knowledge, this can often be avoided.

With care, we can nurse your pet back to health. A small hospital tank can be set up to isolate and treat the sick fish. It's a rewarding experience to see the fish recover and go back to his home with the other fish.

We go to the computer and research together. Setting up a breeding tank, learning and watching the cycle of life is another important lesson in caring and nurturing.

Keeping goldfish is a way of installing a caring attitude to nature. The lessons for our children are invaluable: commitment, responsibility, nature's life cycle and the importance of caring for life.

Apart from providing a wonderful addition to our home, these fish give our family so much more than the meager attention and care needed for their survival.

    By Martina J
    For children, and those new to learning how to take care of goldfish, you may find this link helpful. http://www.howtotakecareofgoldfish.com

    There you'll find information to help in choosing aquariums, food, and necessities for your aquarium. You'll learn about types of goldfish and how to identify goldfish illnesses as well as treatments. All the information and resources necessary to keep your fish healthy.

    Article Source: EzineArticles



Kissing Gourami or Helostoma temminckii, are members of the familyHelostoma. Kissing gouramies inhabit the heavily vegetated, shallow, slow-moving backwaters prominent in Thailand and Indonesia. Most of the fish exported for the freshwater aquarium trade industry are commercially raised on fish farms throughout Southeast Asia.

Pink Kissing Gouramis
Kissing Gouramis - Photo  by    Clevergrrl  (cc)
All Gouramies and the popular tropical fish the betta fish are part of the suborder Anabantoideimore commonly referred to as anabantoids or labyrinth fish. Labyrinth fish evolved in low oxygenated environments. Part of this evolution included the development of lung-like organ typically referred to as a labyrinth. The labyrinth is inundated with blood capillaries allowing for the absorption of atmospheric oxygen into the blood system. The addition of this organ allows gouramies to survive out of water longer than most other fish. Kissing gouramies have evolved to the point where they need a combination of both atmospheric and dissolved oxygen in order to survive. This is why you will frequently see gouramies and bettas rising to the surface of an aquarium to gulp in air. This gives them the ability to survive in less than ideal water conditions for extended periods of time.

Kissing gouramis are one of the largest gouramies kept in freshwater aquariums. They will reach an adult length of anywhere between 7.5-12 inches even in the confines of an aquarium. These fish have laterally compressed, slightly rounded bodies. Their caudal fins are either rounded or concaved. Their most prominent feature is their mouths which protrude out characteristically outward from their face. Their lips are lined with horney teeth. Their jaw assemblies lack teeth. Kissing gouramies are commercially available in two colors. The one most commonly found in home aquariums are white. 
White gouramies have a pearlescent sheen to their bodies with a pink or orangish tinge and transparent pinkish fins. There is also a dwarf variety available. Dwarf kissing gouramies are a mutated strain of pink gourami. They are frequently referred to as balloon gouramies because of their smaller more rounded bodies.

The kissing gouramies for a sale at the local fish store are quite young. Juveniles grow rapidly and will quickly outgrow a small aquarium. An adult kissing gourami requires a minimum tank size of 50 gallons. You will need a larger aquarium for a well-populated community tank. These fish have semi-aggressive temperaments. They generally mix well with fish of similar size and attitude. But they are prone to bully smaller, more timid tank mates. They are generally tolerant of conspecifics but males frequently challenge each other for dormancy. Said challenge consists of locking lips and engaging in a shoving match much like a deer will lock horns and attempt to force its challenger into submission. Kissing gouramies have a habit of enjoying digging in aquarium substrate. The best way to minimize this is by using larger, coarser gravel and larger rather than smaller rocks in your aquarium.

This is an omnivorous species. Algae make up a significant part of their diet. They are extremely efficient tank cleaners. It is recommended that you do not clean your aquarium glass during routine tank cleaning. These gouramies will use their toothed lips to scrape algae off the surfaces of your aquarium. This form of algae removal is commonly perceived as kissing. They will instinctively graze on most aquarium plants. Ineatable plants such as java moss and java fern work well with kissing gouramies. Aside from these, plastic plants are highly recommended. Algae pellets in addition to a good quality flake food make an excellent staple. They will also readily accept frozen and freeze-dried food products. Brine shrimp and tubifex make wonderful protein supplements. Kissing gouramies have an affinity toward blanched table vegetables. Lettuce leaves are an all-time favorite. Regular portions of vegetables will finish providing a well-balanced diet.

This fish thrives in water temperatures between 72-82 °F. They function fine in pH levels that vary slightly on either side of a neutral balance; 6.8-8.5. With proper care, a kissing gourami should live between 5-7years of age.

Breeding Kissing Gouramies
Kissing gouramies are sexually dimorphic. Males and females are virtually identical with the exception that females tend to be a little larger and have a slightly fuller body than males.
Proper diet and aquarium conditions will help induce the breeding cycle. A protein-rich live diet such as brine shrimp will help precondition your gouramies for spawning. Raising the water temperature up to 80 °F properly simulates the breeding season. Gouramies are more apt to breed in soft water conditions.

The breeding process is typically initiated by the female and takes place under the cover of floating vegetation. Lettuce leaves provide the necessary camouflage to perpetuate breeding. The breeding ritual begins by the couple circling each other. This quickly escalates to nudging each other, dancing and concludes with a frantic tail beating. Breeding commences when the male warps his body around the female and turns her upside down. The female will then release several hundred eggs. The male fertilizes the eggs as they rise to the surface. Gourami eggs are buoyant and will float.

Kissing gouramies are open-water egg scatterers. Unlike many gouramies, these fish do not build a bubble nest for their future offspring. Nor will they guard their eggs. Once spawning has occurred, the adults should be removed from the breeding tank to avoid predation. The same lettuce leaves that provided a suitable environment for spawning will now function as a breeding chamber of sorts. Gourami eggs will adhere to the lettuce. The eggs will hatch in approximately 24 hours. The lettuce provides a natural source of infusoria for the newly hatched fry. Fry will be free swimming in about two days. Free swimming fry can be fed finely crushed flake food or baby brine shrimp.

    By Stephen J Broy
    The hottest new trend in aquarium ownership is pet jellyfish. Jellyfish require a specially designed Jellyfish Aquarium Fish Tank to remain alive and healthy. Jellyfish aquariums are easier to maintain than a traditional saltwater tank. Pet Moon Jellyfish have become exceptionally popular in recent years with home aquarists both for their unparalleled elegance and ease of care. The market for moon jellies has increased to the point that two US-based websites are now tank raising these exotic creatures to keep pace with the growing demand.