
Tips on Blue Green Chromis Care

A male "blue-green damselfish" (Chromis viridis) - Photo: Wikimedia
Green Chromis or Chromis viridis belong to the family Pomacentridae. This family is comprised of approximately 360 individual species in 28 genera. It includes all clownfish and damselfish. Chromis is but a single genus within this family. The collective name damselfish describes a group of fish that spans more than one genus. However, most damselfish fall within the genus Chromis.

Green Chromis are indigenous to the coral reef systems of the Indo-Pacific. Although they are a marine species, they often inhabit the brackish water of lagoons and inshore reefs. Several closely related and remarkably similar looking species can be found in the Caribbean Sea and among the Florida Keys.

This species has slender elongated, oval bodies with an iridescent sheen. Not all green Chromis are actually green. There are three color variations; pale green, apple green, and pale blue. Regardless of color, they all have a mesmerizing shimmer to them as they swim about under aquarium lighting. This fish is commonly sold by the aquarium industry under the titles blue/green chromis, green apple chromis and green chromis damselfish. They can grow to a maximum length of 4.5 inches. In an aquarium, they rarely exceed 2-2.5 inches.

Many damselfish species take territorialism to the extreme. The green chromis is not among them. Neither does it become more aggressive as it matures. This is one of the mellowest, most peace-loving fish of its entire family. In the wild, they live in schools amidst branchy stony corals such as Acropora coral at depths of no more than 12-15 feet. This innate schooling instinct remains intact in the confines of an aquarium. They do not quarrel amongst themselves but rather feel more secure with like numbers in new surroundings. They will not tend to be as shy or skittish if kept in groups of no less than three. And a school of them looks exquisite in a well-lit aquarium.

Green chromis make excellent additions to a community tank provided their tank mates are of smaller varieties and equally docile. They are very hardy and easy to maintain. Green chromis are excellent choices for amateur aquarists. This species works equally well in marine reef tanks as it does in fish-only aquariums. A school of three or four can be kept in as little as 10 gallons of water. Of course in a multi-species environment, you will require a larger tank. In their natural environment, they will retreat back into the protection of the coral branches they inhabit at the first sign of danger. They sleep under the shelter of these branches at night. In an aquarium, they will require plenty of hiding places. They are quite active swimmers and will spend most of their time in the upper to mid-levels of an aquarium during the day.

These fish are planktonic omnivores. They are not picky eaters in captivity. You should not meet with any resistance getting them to feed. A good assortment of live rock will make them feel right at home. In nature, they often maintain algae farms by ridding rock formations of undesirable algae species. If they do not readily accept non-living offerings brine shrimp should entice them to begin eating. This can be mixed with larger and larger proportions of flake or freeze-dried food until they become accustomed to aquarium fare. Their diet should contain protein, plant and algae matter. A good brand of fish food formulated for omnivores may very well be all that they need. Naturally, a supplement of dried algae sheets and fresh chopped seafood will help ensure a well-balanced diet. Under proper living conditions, this species may live in excess of 15 years.

    By Stephen J Broy
    Technological advancements in the aquarium industry continually redefine the concept of "home aquarium owner." Just twenty years ago not even the biggest public aquarium was capable of keeping jellyfish alive in captivity. Now they make desktop Jellyfish Fish Tank Aquariums. And why would you want a jellyfish tank? Perhaps you should check out what the translucent bodies of Pet Moon Jellyfish look like under LED lighting. Pet Jellyfish give a whole new meaning to the term exotic pets.
    Article Source: EzineArticles


Corporate Wisdom From KILLIFISHES

Pseudepiplatys annulatus GCLR 06-27 Dandayah
Pseudoepiplatys - Photo   by   Joel Carnat 
Even if I cannot achieve, I ensure my successors achieve and make success continuously happening is the corporate message, the Killifishes conveys. The interesting point about the Killifish is that they live in temporary pools or water bodies. Indeed they are a group of small fish.

One may wonder why the evolution and nature have favored some fishes to live in temporary pools. Fishes are strictly aquatic. Water in any temporary pools will dry soon and once the water dries, the killifishes live in them will definitely die.

Many scientists would have wondered about the unique choice or preference of the killifishes to live in temporary creeks or pools. Whatever be the science, it has a management message for the corporate world. Perhaps, nature would have created killifishes, may be to educate the corporate people about what kind of leadership style they must practice and follow.

The killifishes are really smart. Better than anyone, they know where they live and the risk of water getting dried soon in the temporary pools. Before the water getting dried off, the killifishes lay their eggs in the water. The interesting point is that unlike the eggs of other fishes, the eggs of killifishes can withstand dry environment without getting desiccated. Like the seeds of many plants, the eggs remain dormant when water is not there in the pool. With the onset of the arrival of water during the next rainy season, the eggs hatch out and again the temporary pond will be filled with Killifishes.

The newly born killifishes eat insects and other water creatures in the pool and before the water dries off, lay eggs and the same 'legacy and saga' would continue without any aberration.

The management message to be learned is that the success is not what one achieve for oneself alone but what one ensures and empower others also to achieve. In corporate, the leaders should develop more leaders. One being an extraordinary leader is not enough but they should make many others also as extraordinary leaders.

How the killifishes lay eggs before they die, the corporate leaders must develop leaders to lead and leaders to make many more leaders even after they leave the organization. Once this management lesson is learned by the corporate from the Killifishes, the limitation becomes an opportunity and opportunity become a success.

Because of the above leadership quality only, it appears, the killifishes have evolved to live in temporary pools. The state of 'temporary' or state of 'permanence' has nothing to do with achievements. Winners never believe in such philosophy as well.

    Dr. S Ranganathan, Director, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd., Chennai
    Author of a management book - Jungle wisdom for corporate management by Swami Sukhabodhananda and Dr. S Ranganthan



A emperor angelfish
An emperor angelfish (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus Imperator) is one of the three very popular angelfish belonging to the family Pomacanthidae. They are a favorite choice among those with large fish-only aquariums. It is also the most popular angel within its own genus, Pomacanthus.

One of the most distinctively colored marine angelfish, it has bright yellow horizontal lines on its blue body, while a black band lined with neon blue covers its face. Its tail is either yellow or orange. Juvenile Emperor angelfish are no less stunning. Their deep blue body is filled with electric blue and white concentric circles.

The Emperor angelfish is commonly found throughout the Indo-Pacific ocean, the Red Sea and even the Great Barrier Reefs in Australia.

As juveniles, they provide cleaning services to other fish in the wild. They will constantly pick at any parasites it may find on the bodies of other fish.

A pricey fish, juveniles are priced from $60 to $80 USD while very large "show quality" adults can fetch up to $400 USD.

Most species within the genus Pomacanthus are bully's in one form or another. The emperor angelfish is aggressive towards other large angels and is very hostile towards members of the same species.

Fishes from outside the Pomacanthidae family are generally left alone. It might bully large tangs, butterfly fish, and even larger wrasses but in general, other species are ignored.

The emperor angelfish attain lengths of up to 16 inches in the wild. That translates into lengths of up to 10 to 11 inches in an aquarium as angelfish rarely achieve their full length in captivity. At that length, it is still a big fish that needs larger aquariums to really do well. 150 gallons should be the bare minimum and a 200 gallon or larger tank is highly recommended.

Caves and overhangs really only work with larger tanks, most opt for an "open" scape when housing large angels such as the Emperor Angelfish. They require a large amount of swimming space.

The Emperor Angelfish is not considered reef safe. Though you may sometimes see them housed in reef aquariums, they're generally better suited to fish-only aquariums. This is because their diets in the wild include corals, sponges, tunicates, and algae.

They should be offered a good variety of foods from algae-based foods like nori/seaweed as well as meaty foods like krill and mysis shrimp.

A balanced food that is pretty good for your Emperor Angelfish is Formula Two. It contains a mix of seafood and an extra portion of algae for herbivorous fish. It is available in three forms, flake, pellet and frozen. If you're going for a good pellet food, I suggest trying the highly reputable New Life Spectrum instead.

The most complete food available for all large angelfish is Angel Formula by Ocean Nutrition. This food was developed with large angelfish in mind, they contain fresh seafood, vitamins, marine sponges and fresh algae. Unfortunately, Angel Formula is only offered in frozen form.

They should be given ample amounts of algae. You can choose either seaweed sheets from companies catering to angelfish or you can get nori sheets sold as sushi wrappers at your local supermarket.

Make sure you buy unflavored/unspiced nori when shopping at the supermarket. Just get the regular, plain nori. Raw nori would be even better. Attach the seaweed/nori to a clip and stick in onto the side of the aquarium.


BETTA FISH Colors - Buying A Healthy Betta Fish

Trad PK Yellow Dragon M - Banleang
Yellow Betta Fish - Photo  by Daniella Vereeken 
Many of the betta fish available to buy at stores are already sick from being kept in unhealthy conditions. Sounds strange, isn't it?. In any case, you need to know how these wonderful pets perform in their natural habitat. This would enable you to make an informed decision about buying a healthy betta fish.

Environment: Are the cups clean or are they perfect for soil wet? Is there a bad smell in the rhythm? It could be from dead fish.

Color: Bettas are admitted for their vibrant coloring. Of course, there are variations that are pallid or white. supplementary likely, however, the dull color is a sign of emphasis or poor health.

Did you know the color variations you can look for? Well here is a snippet of information just for you.

Betta Colors

Selective breeding has to produce a rainbow array of colors for Bettas. Some of the more common options are listed below, but you can find more variations from breeders.

Red - red shades run from bright to dark burgundy and brown

Apricot - sometimes called peach too. This is a soft pastel shade.

Yellow - from golden to lemon. A Betta that is a mix of yellow and black can be a Chocolate if pretty solid-colored, but if the yellow scales are outlined, it's called a Pineapple Betta.

Green - the color turquoise is a genetic variant on green. A very dark green is very rare and highly prized.

Blue - royal blue, cornflower blue, and steel blue shades are all available.

Purple - colors can be pale (lavender) to dark (violet).

Black - solid smokey or with lighter fins, called Black Lace.

White - this opaque color is not albinism, and you can tell as these Bettas will have black eyes.

Albino - a rare but natural occurrence like with other fish and animals. A true albino will have red eyes.

Multi-colored - these Bettas have mixed colors, and this name covers all fish that have no predominant color-tone.

Behavior: You want an active fish, floating upright, not spending too much occasion on the boat. If a betta fish is motionless it could be sleeping. Don't dig on the glass as that commit emphasis it out. Be subtle trying to obtain his stress.

Fins: The fins should be liberated from wholes or tears, and spread fairly instead of clamped together.

Scales: The scales should be flat and smooth. They should ' t be loose or peeling.

Gills: Make sure the gills are smooth, not red or stringy.

Eyes: The eyes should be clear and not be bulging or sunken.

Hope this article kept you more informed about the fascinating world of betta fish


How to Care for Your Beautiful ANGELFISH

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Freshwater Angelfish Pterophyllum leopoldi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is essential for freshwater aquarium hobbyists to know the basics of Angelfish care. Angelfish are very popular and can be a great addition to your tank. Moreover, they are good for breeding as well.

Angelfish are known for their distinctive triangle shape and this is what that has made this fish so popular among fish lovers. Therefore, for the freshwater hobbyists, who have a very limited choice, angelfish are a must have. Angelfish are available various vibrant colors which are a delight for the eyes.


If you want to keep angelfish in a freshwater tank then giving them flakes will not do your purpose. You must feed them small fry fish as well as mosquito larvae. Again, there are some experts who opine that you should give them live food which will make their food well-balanced.

Again, other experts disagree with this view and suggest that optimum quality flakes are enough.

But, if you are interested in giving your angelfish some variety, you can go for flakes with once in a while diet of live food.


For your freshwater angelfish, you will need a big tank. Unlike some other freshwater fish, angelfish require a much bigger space. An ideal angelfish tank should be 25 gallons one for two angelfish.

Angelfish can grow up to 6 inches. Moreover, they also like swimming up and down, back and forth. So you will need a deep tank as well. It should be at least 25 inches deep.

For a freshwater tank, aqua plants are very important. The plants help in increasing the beauty of the tank. But apart from that t, ey perform certain other crucial jobs as well. Like, they provide oxygen to the water and also help in cleaning the tank.

Other Fish

There are some freshwater hobbyists who want to keep other fish in the same aquarium with their Angelfish. You can also do it if you want but before selecting you must know which fish do get along with angelfish and which ones do not. This is because angelfish can be quite aggressive and they sometimes have the tendency to eat smaller fish.


Like all other fish species angelfish are also prone to diseases. These diseases are the same which affect other species of freshwater fish. The most common disease affecting freshwater angelfish is Ich. It is caused by parasites in the aquarium. If your fish gets it you will see tiny spots in the bodies of your Angelfish. Ich can be cured with proper care.

Angelfish are not only great to have because they are splendid to look at but because it is not very difficult to provide them proper care as well. You just need to know a few important facts about how to care for them and you will have healthy freshwater angelfish.

Some Common and general Tips for Proper Angelfish Care

* If you are treating your angelfish for some disease, do raise the tank temperature as well.

* It is always a good option to keep angelfish alone in a tank so that they do not get diseases from other fish.

* Do not give stress to your angelfish just after their spawning.

* Angelfish can live up to 10 or 12 years. All depends upon your care.

* Angelfish like peaceful and calm atmosphere.

* For breeding successfully you should always separate the fry from the parents because the parents can sometimes eat their own babies.

    By Chintamani Abhyankar

    Chintamani Abhyankar is an angelfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding angelfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy angelfish the natural way.

    Article Source: EzineArticles


How To Set Up A QUARANTINE TANK For Tropical Fish

Thumbi West quarantine
Quarantine Tank - Photo   by beesalo 
Do I Need A Quarantine Tank?

Ah, yes, the often dismissed but very necessary part of the tropical fish hobby, the infamous quarantine tank.  Do you really need one to be successful in this hobby?

For freshwater fish, you may be able to get by without having one.  Freshwater fish are generally more suited to captivity because they are usually tank raised and don't seem to break out in disease as readily as their saltwater counterparts.  However, if newly acquired fish do come down with something, you will surely wish that you had one ready to go.  One newly bought fish that is introduced to your main tank can easily wipe out the entire tank population.  Better safe than sorry, right?

For saltwater aquarium keepers, I would say that you definitely need a quarantine tank.   Marine specimens are mostly wild caught and not used to being kept in captivity.  Their journey to a dealers tank is usually much longer and much more stressful for them.  Stressed out fish will usually come down with some kind of disease if they don't simply die from the whole ordeal.  Saltwater fish keepers will usually have other things in the main display tank such as invertebrates and live rock, that they don't want to expose to the harsh medicines necessary to treat one or two fish.  Some medicines can wipe out all of the invertebrates in a tank, so be sure to research any medicine before using it in your tank.

Quarantine Tank Setup

You don't need to go all out here.  A simple 10 - 20-gallon aquarium will suffice for most people.  If you have larger fish then obviously you want to get a bigger quarantine tank.  All you really need is a bare bones setup with the following equipment:

Some type of filtration (a hang on the back of the tank power filter will work, just use filter floss without the carbon since carbon will remove medication from the water, being counterproductive)
A powerhead and/or an airstone for increased surface agitation
Test Kits for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate
Fishnet - don't use the same net for your main tank

Fill the quarantine tank with water from the main tank and then turn everything on in the quarantine tank.

Freshwater & Saltwater Fish Quarantine

For newly acquired fish you will want to acclimate them to the water in the quarantine tank and monitor them very closely for a period of two to three weeks.  Monitor the water parameters with your test kits and check for signs of parasites or bacterial infections.

If the newly acquired fish does come down with something you will need to use the appropriate medication and you will need to keep them in quarantine for a further two weeks to make sure that you have indeed treated them effectively.  If after a few weeks no problems develop, you can then acclimate them to the main tank water and then introduce them.

If a fish comes down with something while in your main tank, just net them and plop them into the quarantine tank.  There should be no need to acclimate them because you used water from your main tank.  If you didn't use water from the main tank you will need to acclimate them to the quarantine tank water.  Diagnose the problem/disease and treat appropriately.  After the disease clears up you will still want to keep the fish in quarantine for a week or so monitoring the water parameters with your test kits the whole time.

More On Saltwater Quarantine

Always have some extra saltwater ready in case you need to perform an emergency water change.  Remember, you want to monitor those water parameters frequently (daily or at least once every two days).  Many saltwater hobbyists always have saltwater ready just in case.  You never want to mix up saltwater and add it right away.  Freshly mixed saltwater can be fairly toxic to fish, in turn causing you more problems.


Freshwater hobbyists may get away with not using a quarantine tank, but saltwater hobbyists would be crazy not using one.  Save yourself some money, headaches and especially the fish by having a quarantine tank.  The fish in your main tank will thank you for it.


IGUANA PETS and Care - Be Fully Prepared For Your Iguana Adventure

Rhinoceros Iguana
Rhinoceros Iguana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Iguana pets are really exciting animals to own, but there are some important things to consider before you decide to bring one home.

First, they require a very specific living environment. They are tropical by origin and require constant tropical conditions. The temperature of their living area must remain consistent, regardless of the temperature outside. If there is snow on the ground, your iguana enclosure still needs to maintain the proper tropical temperature.

Iguana pets need an enclosure at least 1.5 to 2 times their length. That may not seem like much when you are looking at a baby hatchling iguana, but they grow. They grow big. Iguanas grow about 12 inches per year and reach lengths that vary from 5 to 7 feet long.

You don't have to provide an iguana cage or enclosure; you can have a "free roaming" iguana. That does not necessarily mean you give your iguana full run of your home. You can still restrict him to a specific room or area; it just isn't enclosed like an iguana cage. There are many things to consider before you decide to allow your iguana to roam freely.

Iguanas like to climb. They are arboreal lizards in their natural habitat, which means they live in trees. They prefer to be up high so they can see what is going on below them. In the wild, this helps protect them because they can see predators and danger below.

Iguanas like to bask and sleep in elevated areas approximately 4 to 7 feet above ground level. This is accomplished by creating iguana "shelves" or adding "branches" to their iguana cages. These basking accommodations need to be sturdy so they can sustain the iguana's weight. As your iguana grows, you may have to adjust your basking shelves and branches.

You will need to provide lighting and heating equipment for your iguana. Iguanas have specific lighting requirements for different times of the day. As your iguana grows and increases in size, the lighting and heating equipment may require adjusting to accommodate him.

Iguanas are herbivores and have particular dietary requirements. Don't assume because your iguana is an herbivore that you can just feed him iceberg lettuce and be done with it. Iceberg lettuce does not contain the required nutrients for your iguana. There are very specific foods that your iguana needs to eat and in certain proportions. There are also some very specific foods you should never feed your iguana.

If you have heard the rumor that you should feed your iguana insects, mice, and worms, listen up. It is just a rumor, and it is totally wrong. While iguanas do require protein, it is plant protein, NOT animal protein. Iguanas may eat insects occasionally on their own, but you should stick to the required diet and refrain from feeding your animal the wrong foods. Your iguana might accept food from you from your plate, but that does not mean it is good for him. Learn proper iguana foods early on, and stick to a proper diet plan.

If you want to own an iguana, it is a lot of fun. They are very interesting creatures to observe. If you properly train and care for your iguana, he will be happy and healthy for years to come. Just be prepared in advance for the commitment iguana ownership requires. The iguana will need special lighting and heating equipment; a properly structured and furnished enclosure; a very specific diet; proper training; and attention from you. Know what you are getting involved in up front. A well-informed decision is always best so that you are fully prepared for your iguana adventure.