
What You Should Know About CONVICT CICHLID Fish Care

Photo  by Marcel Sigg 
All people that are growing cichlids know that we are in front of an exciting hobby. It is perfect for beginners, especially if they want to raise convict cichlid fish. This is because it is quite easy to take care of them. You are not to have to deal with a lot of problems when breeding them. The zebra cichlid the common name stands out as highly attractive and this does bring in a lot of people wanting to raise them.

Convict cichlid fish are capable of adapting to different water conditions. An aquarium for them needs to include some rocks, artificial caves intended for breeding and some flat stones. Plants are not really needed because they are to be destroyed by this fish. In the event that you do want to add plants for design, you should use plants that are hardier like Amazonian sword plants or java fern.

These fish will accept quite a wide range of PH and temperature. One thing that is really important is that all has to be kept stable and no quick changes have to be made. The water PH level should be around 7 while the temperature is perfect if kept around twenty-five degrees Celsius. Convict cichlid fish stand out as an omnivore and are capable of eating almost anything that you buy. Aquarium plants can also be taken into their diet.

One really important fact is that a convict cichlid fish is really aggressive when placed in the same tank with other fish. When mating season appears this becomes highly true. We do recommend that you keep them in a separate tank when breeding season comes. All convict cichlids will be easy to breed. The parents are always guarding fry and eggs and are really protective parents.

The bottom line is that it will be easy to raise a convict cichlid fish. In the event that one beginner is looking for one fish that can be raised easily and looks very well there will be no real problems.


Before you Buy DISCUS FISH - 6 Easy Tips You’ll Need to Know

Tips To Buy Discus Fish

My New Discus Fish.
Photo  by g_aquarian 
The discus fish is an incredible animal to care for.  If you have any interest in a discus, I'm sure you understand how expensive these fish can be. Let me share these top 6 hints with you before you make a discus purchase. Now you will have the knowledge to make the perfect decision when you’re shopping for a new discus.

Before you Buy Discus Fish - Health

A healthy looking discus ought to look healthy. Signs of an unhealthy fish will likely consist of them staying on top near the surface, bloated gills and also examine unusual spots or parasites hanging off of the fish. Look for DNS labels on the side of the aquarium. This implies at one point something was sick and the fish store would not sell the fish. These are warning signs of sick fish. Make sure to ask the fish owner about these tanks on occasion they use this term for quarantine reasons as well.

Before you Buy Discus Fish - Second Tip - Response of The Fish

This tip is good for checking the awareness and responsiveness of the fish. Have the Breeder or fish keeper feed the fish. If the fish doesn’t take interest in the fresh food this is generally a sign of unhealthy fish. The fish should eat the food, however, when it doesn't eat the discus should show interest in the fresh food. If your supplier will not feed the fish because “sir I just feed them” Say him goodbye and look for a new store

Before you Buy Discus Fish - Third Tip - Stay Safe With Adults or Juveniles

When you’re new to the hobby save yourself some problems and only buy juvenile or adult fish. Discus adults have a better tolerance to water condition changes, while babies must be watched more carefully

Before you Buy Discus Fish - Fourth Tip - Dealer Quarantine

What is quarantine? This is from the time the seller obtained the fish to the time he decides to sell it. You should ask the dealer how long they've had the fish. In most cases, an effective guideline is to hold a fish in quarantine for about a week or so to keep them from spreading disease. Ask your dealer if the fish have been treated with any medicines and have been dewormed as well. These are some simple questions which provide you with some good background and some history of the fish.

Before you Buy Discus Fish - Fifth Tip - Internal Checks Of the Discus

Discus passes waste consistently, so check the bottom of the aquarium making sure you observe waste. You are watching for the waste to be a black in colour. Whenever you observe a white looking feces ask the supplier regarding this because this is normally an indication of intestinal worms These are crucial aspects to look for and it may be advisable to discover a new store to purchase your fish at if you can't get a reasonable explanation from your dealer.

Sixth Tip - Water Chemistry

You should find out the chemistry of the water conditions before you decide to purchase discus fish. Be certain to ask your supplier what the present ph and dh amounts are of the aquarium containing the discus. The fish owner’s tank conditions and your aquarium ought to be moderately close to one another. You should walk away from the store if the store owner has very offbeat tank chemistry. This is often an indication they don't have adequate experience in dealing with discus. Ask the fish keeper how they would advise you acclimate your new fish. Water conditions will vary slightly so this is a vital question to ask.

Keep these important suggestions in mind the next time you decide to get your brand new discus. Now you've got the information to acquire healthy discus fish so you do not end up unintentionally getting a fish which seems to be good but dies in few weeks

    About The Author: Steve Jones is an expert fishkeeper who specializes in discus fish and owns an aquarium shop in upper Michigan.
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TIGER BARB - Barbus tetrazona

Tiger Barb - Barbus tetrazona


GOLDEN PHEASANTS Are the Beauty of Your Aquarium

Fundulopanchay - Photo: Wikimedia
Golden pheasants are also known as Blue Gularis Killifish or Fundulopanchax. They are mainly found in Africa and they like to stay in streams or water holes in nature.

Actually, the word killifish does not indicate a killer fish but it is taken from a Dutch word which means a ditch. Likewise, Golden pheasants or Blue Gularis Killifish love to stay in shallow waters or in marshes.

They are a very good addition to your aquarium because of their different and attractive colors and swift actions. The males are usually found in red and blue colors and they have yellow fins. The females are usually in brown or gray colors and they have a few spots on their body.

They are not demanding by nature and they can adjust to living under different conditions of water. The only requirement which should be fulfilled for them is to install many plants in the aquarium. They are happy to live in water containing some salt.

Live food is their favorite diet. If you regularly supply them brine shrimps or white worms, they will be very happy to live. Occasionally you can feed them with flaked food and frozen food items.

They are large in size and they can grow up to 6 inches. So they should be kept in a bigger aquarium or a pond. If you can provide a 10-gallon tank for a pair, they are happy to stay in.

When they are six months old, they are ready to spawn. Younger Golden pheasants can also spawn but they will be producing a lot of infertile eggs. If you want to get a higher percentage of fertile eggs, you should take a pair of at least 10 months old.

You should keep the male and the female separately before actual spawning. You can do this by putting a partition in the aquarium. During this time you should provide good food to both of them and you should also keep the temperature of the water around 75 F.

They usually like to lay eggs on mops for on a substrate of peat. You can use a plastic container for the peat moss and put it at one corner of the aquarium. Otherwise, you can use two mops alternatively and collect the eggs from them every day.

Usually, it takes about 10 to l2 weeks for hatching the eggs. However, it all depends on the conditions you have created in the aquarium. You should keep these eggs in smaller containers with about 5 inches of well-treated water. The young ones will start eating immediately and you should feed them with baby brine shrimp.

The young ones will grow very fast and you should look after them very well by providing them good food and clean water. You should change the water frequently and use a powerful water filter to keep it clean. Once they are six weeks old, you can treat them as adults and you may shift them to the main aquarium.

You should always keep small ones of different sizes in separate compartments because the larger fry may attack and hurt the smaller ones.

If you want to develop a colorful aquarium with different varieties of fish, you should select Golden pheasants as they will not demand much from you and their presence will please all members of your family.

    By Chintamani Abhyankar
    Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding goldfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way.

    Article Source: EzineArticles



Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates azureus)
Photo  by cliff1066™ 
If you were to come across a poison dart frog you would probably be surprised at the size of these sometimes fatally poisonous frogs. Of course, you won't stumble across poison dart frogs, or poison arrow frogs, anywhere in the continental United States. They are normally found from Brazil to Costa Rica; throughout the warm tropical forests of Central and South America. Occasionally they can be found on particular islands in Hawaii. They're, on average, up to 1 inch long, but Golden Poison Dart Frogs can be around 2 inches. Their scientific name is Dendrobatids, and there are over 150 species of this eye-catching, toxic frog!

Recognizing Poison Dart Frogs
Poison Dart Frogs can display colors of red, blue, green, yellow, black, gold, or copper. They flaunt vibrant colors in flamboyant designs that are useful in turning away potential predators.

Scientifically, this is called aposematic coloration, which basically is when coloration is used to scare off predators. Poison Dart Frogs are very small; they are normally no longer than an inch, with few exceptions.

The female poison dart frog places her eggs either on land or other suitable places, such as a leaf upon completion of the mating ritual. Poison Dart Frogs' mating ritual begins with the male vocalizing a sort of mating call until a suitable female is attracted. The eggs are enveloped by a sticky, gel-like substance that is similar to jelly, and they will remain there for two weeks. The eggs are regularly checked on by a parent, though it is typically the male who assumes this task. This has to be done to ensure they don't dry out, as the parent will moisten them during each visit.

After the two weeks, the newly hatched tadpoles will be transferred onto the back of a parent... again this is normally the male. They are transported on the back, safely kept in place by a secretion that prevents them slipping off. The tadpole Poison Dart Frogs are taken to a new location such as puddles, car tires, tree holes, bromeliad, or anywhere that offers a small, wet area. This is the point where the parent leaves, and the tadpoles are left to continue growing and developing.

Not every species of Poison Dart Frogs are toxic, but there are some that are exceptionally toxic, and even fatal. The most toxic of the Poison Dart Frogs are the Phyllobates terribilis of Colombia. It's a bright yellow in color, and you can be harmed by simply touching it. The local population captures these frogs and drags their blowgun darts along the surface of their body to coat them in the poison, and then releases them.

Poison Dart Frogs as a pet frog?
Though you may think this, it is becoming more and more common. Poison Dart Frogs that are captive bred are non-toxic. They may not be the best suitable species if this is going to be your first pet frog, but they are far from the most difficult to care for. Poison Dart Frogs provide a beautiful addition to your home with their spectacular colorations and inhabitant. In captivity, a Poison Dart pet frog can live up to 15 years.


Safety With REPTILES

Chameleon -  Photo: Pixabay
Reptiles are animals to be respected.  Many people think it's funny to irritate a reptile to get a reaction.  These same people probably have the pet peeve of others irritating them to get a reaction.  It's the idea of dishing it out and not being able to take it.  Please put yourself in the reptile's place.  While they may not exhibit emotions other than what seems like anger, they are living beings that deserve to be treated in a kind way.

It is illegal in many places to hold a reptile captive, even if you consider yourself to be taking good proper care of the animal.  You may need a license or permit to be able to take care of it, even if you are trying to "save" it because of obvious injury or illness.  It is best to contact a wildlife rehabilitator any time you see a wild animal in distress.  If you can't find a wildlife rehabilitator, perhaps you could call a game warden or a nearby zoo or vet for further aid.

Collection and transport of reptiles can cause damage or trauma.  This may make the reptile more apt to strike out in defense upon any close contact.  Would you be a bit annoyed if someone removed you against your will to put you in an unfamiliar place?
It is best for the animal if it is allowed to stay in the environment to which it is accustomed when possible.

If you do happen to be unable to resist the urge to capture a wild reptile and later decide it wasn't such a good idea after all, please contact someone who would be qualified to take over its care.  Wildlife animal refuges and zoos are equipped for the care of reptiles and may be happy to assist to keep the animal alive and well.

If you know of a reptile that is being abused or neglected because of improper care or treatment, you could try contacting a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.  Your local veterinarian's office, game warden, zoo, or animal shelter should be able to direct you to the right phone number or address of the nearest office for complaints.  Should you be uncomfortable with providing your name, make it known from the start.  It is understandable to want to keep yourself protected from an irritable owner caught by authorities for cruelty.  But please, don't let this stop you from helping the poor unwilling creature.  There are ways to protect yourself and reach out to help.

The exotic pet trade is big business that uses clever marketing techniques to snare people's interest in reptiles.  Some people want the exotic pet as a hobby, a novelty item, or a status symbol.  It may present the element of class or style they mistakenly wish to portray.  The animal is the one that suffers when the interest has grown dim, and the excitement has worn off.

Safety with reptiles is not just about safety for the humans who are interested in handling the reptiles.  It's also about the safety of the reptiles themselves.


LIVEBEARERS in General - PLATIES in Particular

Two red wag platies (Xiphophorus Maculatus)
Two red wag platies (Xiphophorus maculatus) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Livebearers are a very common fish in many smaller community tanks up to 20 - 25 gallons. They are relatively passive and provide much interest because they bear live fry that is often large enough to live on their own immediately, assuming they can find a suitable place to hide right away. If they are not, they are rapidly eaten by the rest of the aquarium occupants, including their mother.

There are essentially four types of livebearers found in the small aquarium; guppies, platies, swordtails, and mollies.

Guppies have evolved quite rapidly and been bred for a number of color variations and fin shapes. They are extremely popular and are often the first fish a novice aquarist may keep. Swordtails and platies share the same genus - Xiphophorus, so are very closely related. The swordtails are more streamlined in general and are interesting because of the "sword" that often extends from the tail fin. Often they are more active and aggressive than platies. The platy is usually much stockier, taller and shorter and comes in just as many colors as the swordtails. Mollies can become quite large in comparison with the other three and also is actually a brackish water fish. Believe it or not, mollies have even been used to start a saltwater aquarium and show a little problem with adjusting to such drastic water differences.

Any livebearer species seems to have very energetic males. Because of this, any livebearers should be purchased in trios, two females to every male. The males need to be diverted otherwise they can wear a female down with constant attention. Luckily it is quite easy to differentiate a male from a female, the females have a fixed triangular fin at the base of the body, males have a gonopodium instead. This a special movable sword-shaped fin near the anus of the male. It is normally held parallel to the body. It is a movable appendage that rotates forward and forms an open tube to pass sperm packets to the female. Even a brand new fish keeper can identify between the sexes with a little careful observation in the pet store.

Livebearers females, especially guppies, can store the sperm packets passed to them by a male and become pregnant at a much later date. So even if a male has been there only briefly, it is not a surprise that suddenly a female is pregnant without any apparent cause. Another thing that can happen often found in swordtails, is that when there is a tank full of swordtails where there are no males present the dominant female may suddenly appear to change sexes and become a male.

Platies are the fish I generally use in a community aquarium, guppies seem to be a lot more fragile than they used to be. Probably as a result of the tremendous inbreeding that has occurred to define and create new combinations of colors and fins. The guppy is not the most sturdy fish to add to a new aquarium. Guppies are best added, if they are to be kept, well after the initial maturation of the biological filter is fully completed. There are much better fish to initiate a new fish tank, guppies are certainly not the best.

Swordtails are very active and swim continually. They are usually one of the larger fish and their constant swimming can cause havoc for much smaller fish. There is no doubt that if you plan on keeping the larger community fish like gouramis and angels the fast swimming swords can take care of themselves in most cases. Platies seem to be a bit more placid in an aquarium with small tetras and danios but are also large enough to take care of themselves with barbs and sharks. So even though the swords and the guppies may seem to have the flash, the platies do offer as many color varieties and seem to fit well with almost any small community aquarium.

    By Stephen Pond

    Dedicated to providing information required for the successful novice aquarist. Keep tropical fish alive and thriving in your first aquarium through the critical first six weeks and beyond. Visit my website for detailed information for the novice aquarist on all aspects of the beginning aquarium.

    Article Source: EzineArticles