
Estheticly Pleasing WATER GARDEN and POOLS

Water garden with lilies. Broadmoor Hotel, Col...
Water garden with lilies. Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Water gardens or garden pools have become a popular part of landscape architecture in the United States. Water gardens are visually soothing and seem to connect people to the natural aquatic world. The esthetic value of water gardens is enhanced by the almost endless variety of design and planting options that make each one a unique and personal creation.

The location of the water garden is critical to its ecology and maintenance, as well as to your enjoyment of it. Sunlight is needed for plant photosynthesis. Plants are important to the water garden’s ecology because they produce oxygen, remove and recycle nutrients, and provide shade and hiding places for fish and other inhabitants. A water garden should be situated to receive at least 6 hours of sunlight each day.

However, direct sun at mid-day during the warmest months can cause shallow pools to overheat. Locating the water garden so that it can be viewed from the house will increase your enjoyment and allow you to supervise it. Be sure to control access to the water garden to ensure the safety of children. A good view of the water garden will also help you spot unwanted visitors such as predators.

Water gardens should not be located over utility services. Check with utility companies for the location of underground lines. Water gardens should not be located directly under trees because roots hamper excavation and may cause structural damage later. Also leaves foul the water and over-hanging branches may exude toxic substances into the water garden.

The depth of a water garden depends on design, local climate, and over-wintering strategies. Many year-round outdoor water gardens have a section at least 3 or 4 feet deep that does not freeze in the winter and gives fish a cool retreat during hot weather. Large koi carp, in particular, tend to lose color and become stressed if they do not have a cool place to stay during hot weather.

Construction of a water garden can be simple or complex. Water gardens built of fiberglass or concrete take considerable construction skill. Earthen and plastic liner pools require less construction skill or experience.

Many commercial firms selling water garden equipment offer consulting services on design, construction, and maintenance. Use available expertise and your own creativity to design a water garden reflecting your imagination and taste.

Water gardens can be relatively expensive to build and maintain. Cost of construction varies with size and the materials used but can range from a few hundred dollars to many thousands of dollars. Construction plans should be reviewed by local governmental agencies to ensure that the proposed pool complies with all building codes.

Water gardens may be irregular or geometric in shape. Irregularly shaped water gardens have a natural look, while the geometric shapes appear more formal. Before you start construction, try laying out possible water garden designs using a garden hose or rope.

Whether your water garden is a plastic tub or an aesthetic wonder, good water quality is essential. Poor quality water makes the water garden less attractive and can harm fish and plants. Once the basics of water quality are understood, maintenance will require a minimum of time.

The first consideration is a supply of good quality water to fill the pool. The most common sources are city water and well water. Surface water from a creek or pond is not recommended as it may contain contaminants, diseases and wild fish, any of which may harm the water garden’s ecosystem. If city water is used it must be dechlorinated before adding fish and plants.

One common mistake is stocking too many fish. A water garden is suitable for fish only as long as it can supply adequate oxygen and decompose the wastes produced. The number of fish the water garden can support depends on factors such as the size of the water garden, size of the fish, temperature, amount of sunlight the water garden receives, whether or not aeration is provided, and how well the natural or artificial filtration system removes wastes.

A water garden is a wonderful way to enjoy the natural beauty of aquatic plants and animals and gain a better understanding of the complexities of aquatic ecosystems. Designing the water garden and its surroundings is an outlet for creative expression and enables urban dwellers to add a serene, natural environment to their yards.


AZA - Association of Zoos & AQUARIUMS

National Aquarium, Baltimore, USA
National Aquarium, Baltimore, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Association of Zoos & Aquariums was established in 1924. Known simply as AZA, the organization is not for profit. It is dedicated to ensuring all of the animals at the various zoos & aquariums have the very best elements in place. They have strict guidelines for the way these animals are to be cared for. They offer their accreditation only to those locations that continually strive to follow or exceed those guidelines.

This type of accreditation is very important. People that visit zoos and aquariums are very interested in the efforts for wildlife conservation. They won’t frequent a place that doesn’t uphold the very best of standards. Not having such an accreditation can prevent a zoo or aquarium from getting the animals they want. This can result in lower attendance too because they don’t have the main attractions that appeal to large audiences.

The AZA is also very involved in educational programs that promote the well being of animals. They like to make people of all ages more aware of the impact that animals have on our own lives. They want them to be aware of how their own actions can be a positive or negative impact on such animals. This is why so many zoos and aquariums allow schools to bring in busloads of children for field trips on a regular basis. The images of what is taking place and the educational materials can be planted into their young minds for them to carry with them as they become adults.

AZA takes any complaints from employees and guests at zoos & aquariums very seriously. They will take the time to look into such issues and explore the options for effectively resolving them. They will also randomly send representatives out to the various zoos & aquariums to make sure they are indeed doing thing correctly.

AZA continues to develop and implement better ways to house the animals at zoos & aquariums. They want to give them the best environment to live in that is reflective of their own. They also want to ensure people are able to get a good view of these animals. Safety is a very important part of making sure both people and animals can enjoy the atmosphere at a zoo & aquarium.


AQUARIUM PLANT: importance and how to plant them in aquarium

240 litres aquarium with different fishes, pla...
240 liters aquarium with different fishes, plants, and a big roo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Aquarium plant is very important to the aquarium as water is to fish. It adds more life to an aquarium and makes it look beautiful while completing the aquarium community structure. The main object to bear in mind when planting is to form an attractive background, leaving ample space in from where the fishes can swim undisturbed and be seen. The tall, grassy type is best planted at intervals in rows, while the feathery ones look better when they are bunched into small clumps, which makes them appear like branching bushes.

When planting rooted plants, hold the tips of the bunch of roots between the thumb and second finger and rest them on the sand. Now with the first finger push the upper part of the roots (where they join the stem) about 2cm into the sand. Without moving this finger scrape with the thumb and second finger some sand over any uncovered portion of the root.

When putting in rootless plants in bunches, the method explained above is repeated, but this time the lower ends of the stems are placed together and treated exactly as if they were roots.

It is important that the water surface should be right up to the lower edge of the top angle iron of the tank so that looking from the front the water surface cannot be seen and the viewer gets the impression that there is no water in the aquarium. If the level is allowed to fall below the top angle iron the tank looks like a container holding water.



Firthfield Pet Store, Northwich
Firthfield Pet Store, Northwich - Wikipedia
If you are considering buying an aquarium full of fish or if you already own one, then you cannot afford to stop there. Just like any other pets, fish in aquariums require a lot of care and attention. You cannot just throw fish into an aquarium and expect them to survive and thrive. You must purchase the proper aquarium supplies for your fish.

I'm pretty passionate about this subject because owning a pet supplies store I have seen far too many people choose to own fish because "they are easier and require less than other pets." While this is true on many levels, it is no excuse for people to not buy the proper kinds of aquarium supplies for their pets.

If you are unsure of what kinds of aquarium supplies you might need for the fish you have purchased or are hoping to purchase, then look no further than to a pet supply store for help. Go to a store near you and talk to someone that is knowledgeable about aquarium supplies. Ask all of your questions and allow them to lead to aquarium supplies that are reasonable and necessary for the livelihood of your fish. Make sure that you have a full understanding of the needs of your fish before you purchase them. You need to realize that fish take work just like any other pet and that something will be required of you in taking care of them.

If you aren't quite ready to visit a pet supply store, then go to your local library and find some resources for starting an aquarium and filling it with the right aquarium supplies. There are many great resources out there, you just need to find them and learn what you can. You can also benefit greatly from learning about the proper aquarium supplies by doing an internet search based on the kinds of fish you have or are thinking of purchasing.

When it comes time to actually purchase aquarium supplies, you'll want to make your way back to the pet supplies store. Nowhere else will you find as great of help from people who really know what they are talking about. So get to your local pet shop and find all the aquarium supplies you need. And don't worry, most aquarium supplies come in a wide variety of price ranges, so don't feel obligated to run off and buy the most expensive ones. Instead, go for what fits your budget.

Having fish can be a great and fun thing. Just be sure to fill your aquarium with the right supplies and your fish will live long and stay happy.


Breeding AFRICAN CICHLIDS - A 9 Step Guide

Convict Cichlids. Female on the left, Male on ...
Convict Cichlids. Female on the left, Male on the right. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is the vivid colors and peculiar mannerisms that make African Cichlids the most popular fish in captivity and it usually does not take long before the owner becomes interested in breeding them. But what that you ask? How do I do this?

1. With tropical fish generally, you can just pair them up and the breeding process takes place but its a little different when breeding African cichlids. With African cichlids, the best method is to have a largish group with a much higher female to male ratio. If you keep only couples the female most often is bullied by the male even sometimes to the point of death.

2. African cichlids have to be healthy for breeding as the female will go without food for weeks when in the spawning cycle. This means they need to be fed well prior on a varied diet of spirulina flakes, earthworm, brine shrimp, daphnia, and mosquito larva.

3. In order for your breeding colony to flourish, they will need a comfortable environment. Make caves, rocks, crevices, and tunnels to provide protection when needed from bully fish. The ideal breeding tank setup is to use no gravel. This will focus the male on the task at hand. The males soon turn their attention to the females and the mating will soon follow.

4. If you want to use plants then I recommend plastic only and make sure they are firmly attached to the bottom. If u use real plants they will get destroyed.

5. Usually, the mating game will start with the male showing off and dancing until he attracts one of the females. Then they may appear to wrestle a bit to test strength, this sometimes includes the locking of the mouths. Eventually, this behavior leads to the female laying her eggs. Then they will be scooped up into her mouth for protection. It is believed that the egg patterns around the males anal area trick the female into thinking she left eggs in the open, so when she tries to scoop them the male fertilizes the brood.

6. After the eggs have been fertilized it will take up to two months for them to hatch at which point they will continue to reside in the mother's mouth. It is a good idea to try and feed her now as she will eat a little so the fry can get to it.

7. So the small fry does not get eaten it is important to separate the female to a separate tank until shes had her young.

8. Once the small fry is swimming freely the best way to get food to them is by putting crumbled flakes into the end of a straw and then placing the end near the small fry for them to eat.

9. The female will need to regain her strength so its best to keep her separated for a few weeks. And also keep the fry separated until large enough to fend for themselves.

Follow my guidelines and you will be breeding big beautiful healthy African cichlids in no time.


CARDINAL TETRAS - Red Cardinals to Enhance the Beauty of Your Aquarium

Cardinal tetras Paracheirodon axelrodi waking ...
Cardinal tetras Paracheirodon axelrodi waking up in an aquarium. Just after the lights were turned on. Its skin yet in a pink tone.
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Originating from South America, Cardinal tetra fish are very common among the fish-keepers and are found in many aquariums and tanks all over the world. They are freshwater fish and easy for the beginners.

Their body is decorated with a blue line dividing the body. The body carries red stripes which are longer. Actually, that is the distinguishing feature between a cardinal tetra and neon tetra fish. If the stripes are short, the fish is neon tetra.

In fact, the name cardinal tetra comes from this red color. It resembles the red robes which are worn by the Cardinals!

Cardinal tetras are difficult to breed in captivity so their availability is always lesser than the demand. Many pet fish stores sell cardinal tetras which are caught from their natural habitat. They are not endangered species and they are found in plenty.

They have a very short life-span of about a year, so their entire life cycle including reproduction finishes during this period. However, if you provide the ideal conditions for them in your aquarium, they can live a much longer life.

They will grow only up to 2 inches in length so they don't require a large aquarium. You can accommodate them even in a small tank of 5 gallons. As they are peaceful by nature, you can keep them in community aquariums also. Most of the time, they stay in the middle of the water so you can keep other bottom-dwelling or surface swimming fish with them.

There is no problem while feeding cardinal tetras. They can accept all types of food including vegetables, flaked food and live food like brine shrimp or blood-worms.

If you can provide the environment which resembles in South American rivers where they are found, they will live happily for a long time. The pH level of the water should be lower and the temperature of the water should be around 72-82 degrees F. They can survive even in the higher temperatures. The hardness of the water should be moderate.

Only important factor while keeping cardinal tetras is the level of toxic elements in the water. They are sensitive about the nitrates and nitrites in the water and you should set up a good filtration system to keep the water clean. In addition, you should make frequent replacements of the aquarium water.

You should provide a thickly planted aquarium for the cardinal tetras with preferably an open swimming area. There should be some floating plants in the aquarium because which will provide ideal places for cardinal tetras to hide. They do not like bright lights so the lighting in the aquarium should be moderate and the aquarium should not be in the direct sunlight.

As tetras, on the whole, are schooling fish, cardinal tetras are not an exception. While buying them, you should buy at least a group of 7-10 so that they will be happy to live with their friends. The beginners may think that this number is large but considering their easy maintenance and feeding habits, the whole group will be very colorful and lively for your aquarium.

The breeding of cardinal tetras is difficult because the fry are very delicate and sensitive to the environment and very few of them can survive. In addition, the adults eat the eggs and also the fry so it becomes very difficult for the beginners to protect the young ones.

However, those who want the enjoyment of a colorful and lively aquarium without many efforts then always go for cardinal tetras.

    Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding goldfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way.
    Article Source: EzineArticles


ALGAE Problems in aquarium tank: simple and effective solutions

Photo: Wikimedia
Eradication of encrusting algae could be done simply by periodically scraping the sides of the aquarium or scrubbing the rocks.

For those with plastic plants and a completely white gravel bed, the situation could be more tasking as it would be necessary to bleach the rocks to remove all traces of algae.

However, if you do this, do make sure that you rinse the gravel thoroughly afterwards. Bleach is highly toxic, and even small amounts can have a drastic effect on the aquarium fish.

Since the primary cause of green algae is too much light. The first step in the treatment schedule should be light reduction then partial water changes and an adequate stocking of natural aquarium plants. A final treatment with an algal remedy should ensure that the problem is eradicated and is at least kept at bay for some time.

One of the factors mentioned above is the use of natural aquatic plants as a means of control. This is really more effective than many people think.

For a start, luxuriant plant growth will filter out some of the light keeping algae in check. In addition, plants absorb a large variety of chemicals from the water, thereby starving algae of some of their essential nutrients e.g. nitrates (not nitrites).

Surprising though it may seem, and adequate plant stocking level is approximately 50 small plants per square root of available space. The last treatment mentioned is the use of an algaecide. I must stress the word "use:" - it is very different to "abuse"!

Yet despite this difference, I know that some people will still persist in pouring the chemical remedy into their aquarium and expect the problem to disappear overnight, even though they have done absolutely nothing to alter the conditions in the tank that brought about the problem in the first place.

The conditions I stated above have to be adhering to for any lasting effect to occur! Now that we know how to curb the menace of the green algae, we shall discuss its "sister" - the brown encrusting algae whose case is the reverse of the green.